Do you know what really gets to me? Christians are sometimes the - TopicsExpress


Do you know what really gets to me? Christians are sometimes the most judgmental people on the face of the earth. They love to point there finger at others and bring up there past or there sins. I know this because they use to point them at me. When a new face shows up at church they stare and talk under there breath and then over there wine at lunch they gossip about the new sinners and did you see what they were wearing conversations. Yesterday as I sat one aisle over at the grocery store and listened to a couple of well known Christians gossip and talk about there brothers and sisters in there church I had 1000 flashbacks rush into my memory. It is people like these that kept me out of church for so long. The same Christians that were out at the bars that weekend and robbing people blind in their jobs, using Jesus as a business card would Sunday morning put on there deacon suit and greet people with a false smile at the door. Man this really makes my skin crawl. But what really gets me is this. Why does the rest of the church allow it ? Not to point and judge as they do, but to simply do as the bible says in Timothy ? Why are people so afraid to simply state that this is a house of God so the people in it should act like children and brothers of Jesus. I have done this. Truth be told it was one of the hardest things I had ever done. It did not go at all the way I thought it would, but in the end God used it to strengthen my testimony and my boldness in Him. The saddest thing was this, although many people of that church patted me on the back in secret, to this day my mother is the only one who chose to stand against the giant with me in public while everybody else turned a blind eye out of fear. If churches continue to allow people like this to be in the structure of there church and be mouth pieces for the church than how will anybody ever see the true Jesus in your church? If the broken and disgusted stay away because the leaders are worst than they are, how will your church truly ever grow? If a church counts your tithing as a judgment on your position in the church, how can the poor but righteous ever feel welcome in a house of lies? It says In Mark 2:17 this And hearing this, Jesus said to them, it is not those who are healthy who need a physician, but those who are sick; I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners. If your leaders are sick but pretend to be healthy and yet the church allows them to pretend than why would anybody else want to come to your hospital? People go to a hospital to be healed, not pretend they are better. So if you offer no cure but rather more sickness and more disease through the structure of your hospital than why would people go for treatment? As I walked over to these two and simply said I am glad Jesus does not judge me the way you do, and turned away full of disgust I realized that most people have no clue who my Jesus is and how badly this community needs to be shaken at its core so the religion goes away. Or possibly swept clean through the Waves of Change :) You have a blessed day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:12:22 +0000

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