Do you know why I love Facebbok? Because I get to keep up with, - TopicsExpress


Do you know why I love Facebbok? Because I get to keep up with, help out, or just be happy for people that without social media, I may not know about their lives or day. Do you know why I hate Facebook? Because I get to see so many people be horrid and judgemental, and say the most ludicrous things ever! Im so sick of seeing people stuff about minimum wage, not because they are for or against the hike, but because if what they say about the people making it. Its minimum wage because you have to have minimum skills or my favorite, if you cant make it on minimum wage get some skills, move up these people your talking about, are humans, some of them more intelligent and. I compassionate than most others. They are that really nice lady at Leppinks, that always remembers you and talks to when you check out. The funny one at Wesco that knows exactly why youre in there, and what size popcorn you want, the person at Mc Donalds that prepares your Mc Latte every morning. You have to go grocery shopping to feed your family, you have to put gas in your car, and while you may not need a Mc Coffee, you sure are glad you can conveniently get one sometimes. So, I dont care what side of the political coin you are on, you can complain about the hike, but stop putting down the people, no matter how high some climb, we will always need someone working to help us with or groceries, gas, small convinces, and your life would be much harder without them! Respect them! Love them.....and for Gods sake, literally, keep his name off your lips if your going to put down his creations in your next post. Ugh! End rant!
Posted on: Wed, 17 Sep 2014 13:51:57 +0000

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