Do you know why many people within ANC dont even bother themselves - TopicsExpress


Do you know why many people within ANC dont even bother themselves about Zumas scandal? All the care for is that their family can have food on the table, they dont care who they support but those who are in charge of the system within the movement. I dont even get suprised when I hear Nomvula Mokonyake saying she will protect President Zuma with her bums, I understand that with her its about feeding her family and it doesnt matter if she have to use even her bums to do that; same with many comrades within ANC, they dont want to temper with their source of income. Some they are supporting President Zuma to protect their political career; they know that President Zuma and his people are in charge of the system within ANC and they dont want to commit political suicide and they have to agree with everything to save their political ass. They will agree with every unjust laws within ANC so they can survive politically. I dont believe that there is no-one who within ANC who cant see that the liberation movement have went astray. They can see it but they are no longer care about corruption perpetuating within the movement and of which it is very dangerous in long run especially for the country not for the movement as per se. I think as EFF it should be something we should learn from this liberation movement if we are serious to keep up with our words of creating a new political culture. We need independent thinkers who are not driven by their political ambitions and feeding their stomach but those who will be the men and women of their words not just to save their political careers but the Robbin Hood of justice and unity. Political tank thinkers who dont run out of innovative ideas, the grounded forces who will forever with their people not pop stars. We dont want the cheer leaders of mediocres, who are politically bankrupt with no political content. For this movement to live longer than what the enemy expected it is within us, the way we conduct ourselves within the ranks of the movement and outside.
Posted on: Tue, 18 Nov 2014 03:03:09 +0000

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