Do you know you can Start making naira 30,000 and up to naira - TopicsExpress


Do you know you can Start making naira 30,000 and up to naira 100,000 per week sending bulksms for companies,schools,churches,hotels business men and women and lots more without living your present job?. All you need is just 2hours of your time per week and at any time. Read below for more details. PART 1: You are welcome to our world, the business of silent millionaires you don’t know and entrepreneurs in Nigeria that are making good cash and getting thousands of Naira weekly doing customized bulk sms business in Nigeria Bulk SMS business is a lucrative business that involves you sending unlimited text messages on behalf of many people out ther. This business is lucrative because you have the right to charge organizations whatever amount you like. This business is so easy that you can start this business without capital because the people you are sending to will give you some part payment before you send it for them. So it is from the money they gave you ,you will use some to start. The people you will be sending for may be companies, organizations, mosques, churches,hotel,business menand women,supermarket,marriage ceremonies,burial ceremonies and many others. The list of people you will be working for is uncountable These people pay you so that you will help them to reach their members or customers through sending SMS to them Gone are the days when schools and organizations send news letters or circulars to customers or parents reminding them of forthcoming events like PTA meeting and lot more. With the help of bulk sms, they can now receive this message directly on their mobile phone within 10seconds. The secret of this service is that it cannot be send through mobile, it can only be sent through the internet. The price tag for bulk sms units is very cheap. The price ranges from #1 - #3 per unit depending on the number of unit you want to purchase from bulksms company in nigeria. You can charge your clients #7 per sms for a minimum of 1000 numbers and clients that have less than 1000 numbers, you can charge them #9. Can you see the difference? You can now see for yourself that the business is lucrative and wonderful. With this business, you no longer to be a servant under a boss infact you will have to sack your boss and you are now the boss of your business. So get started in this wonderful business and start making your thousands per week There are over 101 ways you can make money from bulk sms service. Before you can make money from this internet business, you must know how it works. Sending of bulk sms is easy and simple that any body can easily do it no matter your age or work. It is just a matter of logging into the site, type in the message and then send. People that needs your services as a bulksms sender! There are many categories of organizations that need your services such as: * Churches/Mosque * Hotels * Schools * Supermarkets * Companies/industries * Hospitals * Clubs * Universities * Wedding Invitations * Events and Meeting * Birthday Invitation * Special Seasons Greetings * Political Campaign * Corporate Bodies * Government agents * Associations and many more. These organizations need Bulk SMS service for different purposes, such as: * Advertising Campaign * Crusade/church services * Invitation * Notice of Meeting * Urgent Information and lots moremany * Is been told that 1 billion SMS messages are sent by Nigerians every Year? Now what this means is that N15 billion Naira is being shared annually between a small group of smart & average Nigerians who are doing this business?! • Today many Nigerians are quickly moving from phone messaging to bulk SMS messaging especially churches, schools organizations and companies because it’s cheaper to use online bulk SMS? • Have you heard about recent developments in the telecom industry? That more than 70million Nigerians now use GSM phones and the number keeps increasing day by day? * Take a look at this Calculation: You visited a Company as a Bulk SMS Client, Meaning you want to handle their Bulk SMS Work, and they accept your Proposal, You can Charge them for N5-N10 per SMS, Lets do some little Calculation here for you to see what imean. Bulk SMS Company sells SMS for you @ the Rate of N1-N3 Each! (Depending on the amount of unit you would like to purchased from them) You Charge the Company who need your SMS Service for N5-N10 Each! Then they Decided to Send to 50,000 Customers, Then you have to Purchase 50,000 SMS units for the 50,000 they need.That mean you have made 50,000 times the naira5 you charge them that is a total of naira250,000. You now deduct the money you used in purchasing this units which is naira 50,000, you will have a balance of naira 200,000 0r naira 150,000 if you used naira100,000 for it. Now listing to this. If I have let say I submitted my proposal to about 20 churches alone and 10 out of the churches want my services and I am sending about 10,000 sms for these 10 churches that means I am making about N40,000 per week for only those 10 churches and if I submit more that means more money will come my way .Now what about other organizations,schools and lots more. You see what many Nigerians are doing and making big money for themselves doing it as part time work. How will you join the group of smart and average Nigerians making Money from this business? The answer to the question above is simple. Before you can start making money with this service, you will need to send proposal letter to your targeted audience informing them about your Services. It is the PROPOSAL LETTERS that will determine if you will be sending or not. So, if you do not have a compelling, mouth-watering proposal letter that will shake your audience, that means you might lose the sms contract to another Bulksms consultant who have a good one. So many info comes with a well writing professional proposal that I use to get my targets customer begging me to do business with them. o If you order for my package and proposal letters, all you just have to do is simple just edit it, put your name and your contact info. Then take it to your target customers using big envelop. By the time you drop copies of these proposal letters to all your target customers like: churches, schools, businesses, hotels, supermarket etc in your locality, you will start making money from this simple and good money given business. This same proposal work for me and many people who have gotten it. So I strongly believe it will work for you. Inside the package you will see: *How to do this business, within 10 minutes you will know the in and out of this wonderful business. *Inside the package, you will see proposal letters of different organization. All you need to do is to edit it only and put your name, phone number and address where needed. *Where to buy sms units for as low as 1naira or lower that even depending on the amount of unit you want. PART 2 *How you can also make up to 100,000 naira monthly or more without sending sms messages for organizations but rather teach them how to do it by themselves. If I send proposals to 20 churches, 20 schools, 20 business men/women, 20 hotels, 20 supermarket, 20 hospitals, 20 companies, 20 industries, 20 mosque and 20 clubs that will amount to 200 proposals that you will only go and submit to them and go your way and be waiting for your phone to start ringing kran-kran calling you to come and teach them how to do it. Let’s do some calculation here! Let’s assumed out of the 200 proposals, 120 of them call you to come and teach them and you charge them 8000naira each that mean you have made 960,000naira teaching each one of them within 1hour. Even if you want to charge them just 5000naira each that means you have made 600,000naira. (note) you will make more money depending on the number of proposals you send and the amount you would like to charge like:N15,000, N10,000, N8,000, N7,000, N6,000, N5,000 or N4,000 all depend on you for you are the boss of yourself, nobody have control over you again. PART 3 Inside this package you will discover how to get 50 or more people(that is individuals) in 30days setting inside your room or spending 2hours of your time per week, without living your job and start teaching them how to do this. By the time if you calculate how much you will be making per month just go and sack your boss not your boss sacking you!. PART 4: Inside the package you will know how can be making up to N200,000 up to millions of naira per month setting inside your bedroom and making money with the information you will see inside the package using facebook, twitter, 2go, myspace, skype, nairaland, Eskimi, your bank account, phone number, e-mail address and my information. o Special bonus o How to print gsm recharge card even in your bed room with or without computer and make from N50,000 to N200,000 per week. o This bonus is worth N5500 o note: There are only 155 packages available and the first 50 people to order will get all the part 1, part 2, part 3 and part 4 of this package. While 51 to100 will get, part 1, part 2 and part 3 and 100 to 155 will only get part 1 and part 2 of this package. The price of this package is just only N2000 and will return to N5,000 after 2weeks from today and all this information will be send to you immediately we confirm your payment from the bank. But if you asked for it after when it has gotten finish, sorry there is nothing we can do to help you so order for yours now! HOW TO PAY: for Payment details contact me on 08102007581 or incredibleice007@gmail to: and you will get it in less than 3hours after we get conformation from the bank. Now you have this information, don’t waste any time rush and order for it and start making cool cash and people will start to wonder what you have done! Remember, everyday you waste time trying to make up your mind, someone else is getting start in the same business. Life is a race, wealth is the finish line, there will always be winners and losers, don’t be a loser. Take action NOW!! MY QUOTES“THE DIFFERENT BETWEEN THE RICH AND THE POOR IS INFORMTION” ”INFORMATION BRINGS ABOUT FORMATION” “DO WHAT I DO AND YOU WILL GET WHAT I GET” "Knowledge is only a potential power says an adage and paves the road of riches. When you know which road to take, information brings transformation. If you are not informed, you cannot be transformed. Enough information brings you to your destinations. This is equally confirmed in the scripture (Hosea 4:6). There is no doubt that the internet is a world that offers the quickest opportunity to create wealth or make easy money. It offers the laziest way to make it big while others keep asking how? Ignorance has always being the major limitation to tapping into this goldmine of fortune. But if you can buy one of my manuals, ignorance will surely come under a sledge hammer. Absolutely the easiest tried and tested way to turn your computer into a Money Making Machine." YOU CAN ORDER FOR ANY OF THE PACKAGES IN OUR PRODUCT PAGE. THE INFORMATION ARE SELF EXPLANATORY WITH DIAGRAMS. A COMPUTER NOVICE CAN EASILY GET THE
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 23:19:21 +0000

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