Do you like Chocolate? without the honey bee cocoa disappears! - TopicsExpress


Do you like Chocolate? without the honey bee cocoa disappears! Help save honey bees and our food supply by doing these things 4. Plant bee-friendly plants. Buy wildflower seeds from seed merchants, and sow in any spare patch of ground. 5. Create natural habitat gardens. Let some space in your garden go wild. It will be a safe haven for bees and other insects. 6. Become a beekeeper. Beekeeping is a most enjoyable, fascinating and interesting hobby and you get to eat your own honey! If this is too much, consider offering space in your garden to local beekeepers. You can become a bee keeper, of sorts, by raising Mason Bees or simply have suitable homes in your yard care2/greenliving/10-ways-to-save-the-bees.html
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 05:41:59 +0000

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