Do you like books with animals in them? In The Highlanders - TopicsExpress


Do you like books with animals in them? In The Highlanders Reluctant Bride, Laird Macrory brings two Scottish Deerhounds with him. Their names are Senga (likely derived from the Gaelic word, seang, slender) and Pol (a Gaelic form of Paul, it also means little which would be an interesting name for a deerhound!). Considered by some to be descended from the hounds of the Picts, descriptions of a Greyhound-like dog used for hunting game can be found even as far back as the 3rd century. By the 15th century, names such as “Irish Wolf Dog”, “Scotch Greyhound”, “Rough Greyhound”, and “Highland Deerhound” identified the purpose of the dog. In the Highlands of Scotland, the term ‘deerhound’ has been applied to this breed best suited for pursuing and killing the large Scottish deer that often weigh 250 lbs and wield large, dangerous racks of antlers. The deerhound has a keen nose for tracking, and is prized for his strength, speed and courage. He is built for hard work in the Highlands, chasing up and down steep mountains, through rough, rocky terrain and often in weather that is cold and dreary. In the home, he exhibits gentle dignity. Highland Chieftains assumed exclusive ownership of the breed, and for many years no one of lesser status than an earl could possess one of these dogs. Thanks to petwave for the photo.
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 17:38:25 +0000

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