Do you live in the Telford area? Are you going Christmas - TopicsExpress


Do you live in the Telford area? Are you going Christmas shopping? Well stuff that.... Have you ever wondered what CrossFit is all about? ORE CrossFit are extending a warm welcome to you today. We have a competition....or what we call a Throwdown....this is where athletes from various CrossFit gyms [we call them Boxes] come to throw it down against eachother. This is CrossFit as a sport.....a competition. We have experienced athletes, and also beginners, competing in various categories. Come and see what CrossFit is all about. The passion...the spirit and above all else the community....Ive never seen any other sport develop such a sense of community as CrossFit does. To be clear, not all of our CrossFit community at ORE want to compete, they come to work out, make friends and have fun, in a healthy - friendly environment. Please could you share this with your friends. We do what we do for the local community. Our coaches are volunteers, giving their time freely, and we dont have a marketing budget like the big globo gyms in Telford, so word of mouth, especially on social media is the way we grow as a community. Come and have a look....its fee entry to every one, and we will be able to talk to you about coming down and trying CrossFit. **We will be giving FREE Induction Vouchers to anyone who comes to say hello on Saturday*** Here is the information we sent to the athletes competing on Saturday, so you can have an idea of whats going on. PS...[WOD = work out of the day] ORE Christmas Throwdown - COUNTDOWN! Hi everyone, we hope you’re looking forward to the event, we are! We have had some great judges meetings. As well as discussing the standards of the movements, which will be explained to you on the day, we also spoke about the weights / movements for each category, to try and strike the balance between pushing everyone - and making sure everyone [especially beginners] got the most out of the experience. So the below WOD guidance is the result of this process. Things might change slightly, and there may be a surprise or two, after all that’s what CrossFit expects....the ability for you to adapt and survive. We have a fantastic mix of experienced, qualified judges and complete beginners [who will learn from and work with the more experienced]. We know you understand this, but we want to stress it anyway...our judges are the most important people at the event, along with our helpers...everyone is there to make your day a brilliant and rewarding experience, they are there on a voluntary basis because they are passionate about CrossFit and you - the CrossFitters....please remember this and give them your 100% support. Thank them for their no really...thank them. On the day we will feed every athlete with a meal at the end of the day, as our members are making the food of their own accord, we obviously cant cater for every variation / preference, and so please bear this in mind if you have particular requirements for food, you may need to bring your own? But well definitely do our best for you. We will also sell the food at the cheapest price viable to guests / supporters. Our post code is TF7 4QJ - youll see the signs hopefully. We will be selling our ORE T-Shirts on the day for £20. We only have a small number left, as they went far quicker than we expected. Registration is 8am and closes 845am We welcome supporters, no charge. If you bring children thats great, but obviously please watch them at all times and keep them away from the marked work-zones....these areas are obviously inherently dangerous. All this will be covered in our event specific risk / safety briefing. Tea / Coffee will be on sale and some snacks made by our members, some fruit, water and other cold drinks. There will be some hot food for sale to guests also [free to athletes] Thanks for your team names, be sure to check them on the day when you register. First WOD 915am We hope to break for lunch around midday. Good Luck sure youll be #ORE some Wod 1 - 8 mins The wod starts with 5 front squats and 5 front squats on the minute every minute for 8 mins. The remainder of each minute will be spent rowing to give a meter total at the end. The pairs can divide the rowing and squats as they see the most efficient to travel the most meters. The 5 squats can be shared on each minute if needed teams can change the athlete rowing at any point. Rowing cannot start until the 5th rep is completed and must stop at the end of each minute (although the rower will continue as the fly wheels slows). Any early starts or late finishes on the rower will be penalised with a 15m penalty for each offence Exp men 75kg Exp women 50kg Begin men 55kg Begin women 35kg Masters men 55kg Masters women 35kg Wod 2 & 3 will run back to back. So it will be an 8 minute complex for wod 2. Followed by 2 minutes rest to load bar for wod 3 - which is a 6 minute wod Wod 2 - 8 mins This will be scored by adding each athletes max lifts together for a kg total. The bar will start unloaded and must be loaded at the start of the 8 mins. Clips must be used on the bar for lift to count. Athletes and bar must stay in their individual work areas for lift to count. Any bars dropped that land on spare plates in the work area - which lift will not count. Experienced athletes complex Dead lift Hang squat clean Front squat Shoulder to overhead Shoulder to overhead Beginners / masters athletes complex Dead lift Hang squat clean Front squat Hang squat clean Front squat Rest 2 minutes and load bar for wod 3 Wod 3 - 6 minute time cap 6 rounds alternating (athlete 1 does rds 1,3,5 - athlete 2 does rds 2,4,6) 8 dead lifts 16 bar Burpees Wod is for time. Any uncompleted reps will be added to the 6 minute time cap at 1 second per rep. Each Burpee requires thighs and chest to touch floor and a two footed jump. No requirement to extend on jump. Athlete can be facing any direction when getting chest to floor. Exp 125/70 Beg 100/50 Masters 100/50 Wod 4 -7 mins Experienced athletes will do handstand push ups Beginner / masters athletes will do wall balls 9kg/10ft and 6kg/8ft 3.2.1go and you will do at least 1 rep WB or HSPU. With one completed rep you can choose to bank that score or continue on and do more reps to build a bigger total to bank. To bank your total you will throw a tennis ball at a 2ft square target (800mm off ground) and catch the ball as it bounces back. The throw will be from a 8ft line men and 6ft line women. The throw will be one handed and caught in the opposite hand (alternating left right hand throws). Ten successful throws and catches will bank the score. Athletes cannot step over the line to catch the ball but may lean over the line to catch the ball. As a pair you can work together to accumulate your total to bank but must take it in turns to bank your score. Most banked wall balls or HSPU wins Wod 5 14 minute As a pair complete the following Experienced athletes 100 shoulder to overhead 50/37.5kg 100 bar squats 100 double unders 100 pistols 100 bear crawls Beginner and masters 100 shoulder to overhead 40/25kg 100 bar squats 100 Russian kettle swings 24/16kg 100 lunges front rack 40/25kg 100 bear crawls https://youtube/watch?v=mlVrkiCoKkg
Posted on: Sat, 06 Dec 2014 06:53:34 +0000

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