Do you live your life at 100mph?! I thought I would write a - TopicsExpress


Do you live your life at 100mph?! I thought I would write a short article today as its something I think many of us can struggle with... Its balance, pace of life, slowing down and living for the moment. We are sometimes already thinking about tomorrow or worrying about next week before its even here and before we know it, we have wasted today, worrying about tomorrow. Its something in the Western part of the world we are all pretty guilty of, STRESSING, living life at 100mph, to -do lists as long as our arm, focused on pleasing everybody else and doing everything for everybody else that we forget our own needs/ enjoyment of life.. It came to me when I realised that I do actually in-fact have a pretty obsessive personality.. I get so focused on a task in hand that I almost become obsessed with it. Yep - Im obsessed with training, trainers, endorphins, probably working also!!! You have probably had a manic week before, you have deadlines to meet at work and your boss is on your case so youre putting all of your hours into a project, you have the school run to do, dinner to prepare, ontop of that your mum needs running to her hospital appt twice this week, your dog needs taking to the vets and OOOOPSSSS eddie has runn up a £356 bill that tops the week off.. AND your car needs 2 new tyres.. you miss your workouts this week because you couldnt fit it in and feel Sunday you just wanna crash then its Monday again and youre asking yourself what the week is going to bring..!!!! I can relate to this.. At the moment I have a BUZZY head, we are getting to to end of a year at JS Fitness Camp and there is tonnes of stuff to look forward to, BUT this is where the got to do everything at once attitude can creep in.. And ALOT of us have this.. What I am trying to get at today is the fact we can sometimes have SO much we want to do , that if we TRY do it all at once, we lose control.. Its important we plan, we FIND TIME to live a life, find a balance of living and working.. It relates to our journey to a better health/ body because like a FAD diet, usually lasts between 2/3 weeks and then we find we are screwing up because we have tried to do everything at once.. A better health, body shape comes from long term commitment, changing bits and pieces along the way, adding supplements in, learning which training methods to use, after 2/3 months adding a little more protein in, lowering our sugar intake, then upping our water intake, its a journey... ENJOY IT.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 15:00:49 +0000

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