Do you need a coach? How about two? Did you know that many - TopicsExpress


Do you need a coach? How about two? Did you know that many professional athletes are utilizing chiropractic care because they realize how much it helps them maximize athletic performance? New stories and publications continue to appear in major newspapers, magazines and on the web citing star athletes such as Evander Holyfield, Emmitt Smith, Michael Strahan, Joe Montana, Padraig Harrington, Tiger Woods, Andy Murray, Roger Federer, Novak Djokovic and even Venus Williams proclaiming the benefits that chiropractic has meant for their careers. Today, more professional and college teams are utilizing Chiropractic Care for that very same reason. But why not you and your players? Have you ever considered recommending chiropractic care to those with injuries related to playing golf or tennis? Really, the types of sprains, strains, and chronic tendonitis conditions often associated with golf and tennis are not so different than those injuries associated with other sports or everyday types of work injuries. The difference is in the practitioner. A chiropractor who has been an athlete and has played or plays different sports is more apt to recognize how an injury may have occurred. While the triage and rehab of the injury may be delivered in the same way by many practitioners, the one who plays that sport will also understand how to prevent the injury from recurring by giving her patients specific tips and instruction on how to correct a swing or serve, move across the court, or set up to the ball. Also, not all Chiropractors learn how to treat non-spinal injuries, but I’m Board Certified in Physiotherapy as well as Chiropractic. Do you have a chronic or recurrent injury that you attribute to playing your favorite sport? I have noticed that many people wearing elbow straps , knee straps, ankle supports and neoprene braces of all kinds constantly – are you one of them?? Whether you are currently suffering or once did, reliance on these supports can actually make the condition worse by not allowing normal motion and strengthening of those joints, muscles, tendons and ligaments. Perhaps you just don’t have good muscle recovery and you are sore after sports, or there is another health factor restricting your play. I’d like to offer a special kind of tennis clinic to your community. I would cover proper warm up, stretching and cool down, at home injury triage tips and some general advice regarding specific injuries and what to do to heal those injuries and when it’s appropriate to brace and how to do so properly. A tennis or golf pro (sport specific) will co-coach the clinic with me so that he or she can give specific feedback on your swing mechanics that have likely caused or continue to contribute to your injury. Please private message me if you are interested in attending a clinic for wither golf or tennis like I just described.
Posted on: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 19:06:35 +0000

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