Do you really know why many governments around the world have - TopicsExpress


Do you really know why many governments around the world have outlawed the Bible, its teachings, and forbid people to practice being Christian? Perhaps; some reading this today do not know the Bible is banned in many countries around the globe and even if an individual country does not do an out and out ban; there are still plenty of people within any given country that do not like the Bible and if they had their way: they would burn all the Bibles and literally kill off all Christians if they could! Do you know why this is? It is not jealousy or envy and its not about some of the politically incorrect stuff the Bible says about race. These are issues to be sure; but not the reason they want the Bible completely out of the country. I will tell you in a nutshell. The Bible teaches that man should focus his whole being on God. Man should live apart from the world and not be of it. Believers in Christ Jesus are considered noble people; the High Priest of this world; Kings really and are not to serve the needs of men but to serve the needs of God. In short: Christians do not tie themselves to any government on earth. Christians are free men and women who are charged to remain faithful in Christ and to not be bound to the affairs of men. Therefore governments cannot bind up Christians. Christians will not allow themselves to be in bondage; in slavery; to governing officials. We are bonded; wedded really; to God. We are free to roam the earth; to enjoy the earths goodness; satisfied in the knowledge that we will one day be reunited with our Father in Heaven. The trappings of man cannot, shall not, hold us; contain us; control us; or restrict us in any way. Death to ourselves means to enter into God dwelling place and be under His protection; to be under the creator of all things protected for ever more. To put it briefly: governments on earth cannot handle Christians. This is why the Bible is banned and this is why Christians are persecuted. We belong not to this world but to our Father who art in Heaven.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 12:57:37 +0000

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