Do you really want a Happy New Year? I dont. I want a New Year - TopicsExpress


Do you really want a Happy New Year? I dont. I want a New Year filled with Christs peace. I want a year when His Will is truly done. I want a year of rest when Im not constantly attacked on all sides by evil men and lukewarm Christianity. I want a year of joy that only comes from God, not a happiness led by my emotions. I want a year that sees millions of innocent people saved in this country instead of being butchered by complacent Christians and citizens who refuse to face this evil. I want a year marked by a spirit of revival led by The Spirit of true repentance when Americans will admit what theyve done and fix it. I want a year in which Americans will refuse to compromise for the lesser of two evils and with evil at all, and instead will stand on the firm foundation of Christ and thus vote and act accordingly. I want a year in which my family will see clearly and not through a blurry lens, so that there can be true reconciliation and true peace instead of hidden emotions and unresolved sin. I want a year in which my Christian friends rely on me and I on them more than ever to make a life thats truly effective for the Kingdom. I want the church to truly be the church and to stop being just a cold building. I want a year in which millions come to Christ and repent never to return to their old ways. I want a historic righteous Exodus led by the most Godly parents and their children out of the Christian persecuting public schools -- a moment in which millions of souls would be saved from the most evil of indoctrinations. I want a year in which millions refuse to be enslaved by utility companies and municipalities and make every effort to sustain themselves and thus to ensure their families stability and freedom. Millions making the move to live off the grid would immediately bring down utility costs to places that must run off of them and that would in turn bring down the cost of all consumer goods and services. Millions would have more money than ever as the electric, water, cable, and cell phone bills were cut from their budget. I want a boycott against all enterprises, individuals, countries, and corportions that condone Godlessness and Christian persecution. I want freedom of speech restored in which a person can say whatever they want as long as they arent inciting violence instead of being fired or attacked in the media for simply standing on their convictions. I want a year in which people are given more respect and more freedom than pets and animals. I want a year in which our lands are returned to us and let go from the grips of the government. I want a year that secures our homeland from invasion on all borders. I want a year in which our leadership will follow their sworn oaths or remove themselves immediately from office. As it stands, all of them should be removed from office. I want a year in which millions return to work by the conviction of the Holy Spirit and free themselves from the bondage of welfare, which is a slave state. I want a year in which Americans are free to build and to have their own private property as they see and their fourth amendment rights restored -- a year that would end the EPA, property taxes, and unConstitutional codes and regulations. I want to see a year where every military veteran is loved and given a hand shake and a hug everytime they enter the public. I want the values and rights that they fought for to be respected and protected by every citizen. I want all freedom hating, communist loving, violent, relativistic, unAmerican, terrorist supporting, traitors to get the hell out of our country or to be shot. I want the vast majority of college professors that fall into this category to be fired, prosecuted, and hung for treason against the United States. I want Muslim leaders in this country to be defunded and investigated for their funding of terrorism and if they are found guilty -- I want them hung in the streets so that no terrorist dares repeat the mistake. I want every violent criminal prosecuted and held accountable for their crimes and punished swiftly and harshly as it states in Proverbs. I want a nation where people trust one another again and are not in constant fear. This only comes from strong criminal justice and moral justice throughout society. I want a year in which people quit running to the doctors by the droves just to be doped by medication that kills them and steals their money. I want a year in which homes and business are built with sustainability in mind instead of profits at the cost of human lives. And most importantly, I want a year that preserves the most sacred of all of Gods creations -- marriage between one Godly man and one Godly women. I want to be able to look into the eyes of every young child with hope and joy about their future instead of horror and fear of their butcher and enslavement. I want a year in which pastors will preach the uncompromised Word of God without fear and will call out the real issues and evils of our time. May God Almightly hold us accountable this year for all of this.
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 18:43:34 +0000

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