Do you recall in Mat. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, when the disciples - TopicsExpress


Do you recall in Mat. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21, when the disciples came to Jesus and asked Him what would be the signs in the last days just before He returns to destroy the temple in Jerusalem where the false messiah will be standing?....His first warning to them was to watch out for deception from Christian preachers. Take heed, let no man deceive you. For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many (Matthew 24:5). So according to the words of Jesus Christ.....preachers are a big problem in our land. In fact Amos will lay charge to the idolatrous priests for the great harlotry of our people because they reject the true teachings of Gods Word and His prophets and even go out of their way to prevent His servants from teaching the truth. To that end we are going to learn what you can expect from many of the leaders of the religious community. Concerning Preachers; be sure to check out what they say in the Word of God to see if what they say is true!....Not slightly twisting Gods Word and His words to make it appear that God said something which He did not. Amos addresses the Reverend Uppity, PhD, ThM, BRE. (Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Theology, Bachelor of Religious Education). Yes, the Book of Amos is quite rough on the churches. 8th chapter of the Book of Amos, in the Old Testament of all places, we come to the verse that fully explains what the famine of the end time is which Christ talked about in Mat. 24, Mark 13, and Luke 21. We need also understand that this is no longer prophecy and that we are right now in the midst of that great famine. Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: You know....a loving person who SEES his or her own people dying from starvation would naturally give them food to eat if they had some, wouldnt they?....Are you familiar with the parable in Matthew 25:31-46? Gods people of the house of Israel (THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA..,.Not the false Israel of the Middle East...Satan always has his counterfeit...If you are really interested in the truth...Its written in stone and cant be changed....See Historian, archeologist, Egyptologist, linguist, and university professor E. Raymond Capt - YouTube youtube/watch?v=33DC4UatExo) are basically well fed and have plenty to drink in this country and yet while they gather food for the homeless and needy (a good work for sure), they themselves are starving and dying of thirst, NOT for bread or for water, but of HEARING THE WORDS OF THE LORD! Are you able to help any of them, to feed them bread and meat from His Word, or give them to drink from His well of Living Water, or even just show them where the plumbline is? Amos tells us how many Christians are wandering from one church to another today, and not finding the truth from the Word of God taught It is just remarkable that Amos was shown by God thousands of years ago the curses (pestilences) of our day, which are those societal scourges, all the (fat cat) political and judicial injustices and the economic oppression through an usurious monetary system, using tipped balances, which is likened to the captivity (call it slavery) of the taskmasters of Egypt. And let us not forget to mention the corrupt leadership of the churches and the rejection of truth by the Amaziahs of Churchianity, for it precisely because of the famine of these last days that we as nation have incurred such pestilences. Thats right, it is written that such curses, which again are the famines and pestilences, etc., of Mat. 24 and Mark 13, would come upon us as a RESULT of not studying and adhering to the Word of God, which is His Voice. Well, you say, if our Christian brothers and sisters are not listening to His Voice, then whose voice are they listening to? Hey, youre starting to understand the sin of Samaria!! If you have read Gods Word with understanding and have learned from the prophet Amos what the famine of the end time really is,... Amos 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD: ...then it is really easy to See how unfortunate (but true) it is that the majority of our people listen to many, many preachers and ministers, even great Amaziahs, who all come in the name of Christ and yet deceive their congregations by teaching the blinding traditions of men and not Gods Word chapter by chapter, verse by verse, and cover to cover with understanding. Christ warned us about them, didnt He? Also....if you understand the Word of God through His prophets, who all wrote about this final then becomes quite clear that Jesus Christ did not actually give us any new revelations in Mat. 24, Mark 13 and Luke 21! In fact, Jesus stated in Mark 13:23 that He had foretold us all things, even of the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand)... (Mark 13:14). Have you ever wondered what let him that readeth understand means? It means let him that reads the words of the Daniel (and the prophets) with understanding, know the full extent and the simplicity of what Christ was talking about, even the details of the spiritual desolation of the last days during the reign of Satan, the abominable one, the spurious messiah, who will stand in the holy place claiming to be God. No....there is nothing new under the sun....The curses Amos saw in our day were promised long, long ago (as we reckon time) to come upon us IF we listened and hearkened to mens voices instead of the Voice of the LORD thy God.....Here is what our Father said would happen if we were drawn away from His Word: Deut. 28:15 But it shall come to pass, if thou wilt not hearken unto the voice of the LORD thy God, to observe to do all his commandments and his statutes which I command thee this day; that all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee: The curses (pestilences) always follow famine and thirst which hopefully you have learned is for truth from His Word....He even promised back then to send a nation to afflict us and consume our productivity and oppress our people. And it has come to pass exactly as He said it would and Amos saw how bad things had become in our day.....Therefore KNOW THIS and know it well. If you listen to preachers, teachers, pastors, politicians, popes, priests, elders or anybody else without CHECKING them out in Gods Word....the probability that you are being fed and therefore eating bad fruit is humongous....Dont you know your very soul depends on it?.... Christians are so worried about suffering a little pain in the flesh that they listen to unscriptural, unfounded fly away stories....while they ignore His Word, which means they have FORSAKEN HIM and refused to listen to His Voice......Do you want to be in that blessed Kingdom with Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob and your loved ones who have passed on in the Lord?....He has given you a choice.....Now it is up to you. Always remember these words of our Father through the herdman, Amos: Amos 5:4 ... Seek ye Me, and ye shall live: [5] But seek not Bethel... i.e. church [6] Seek the LORD, and ye shall live; ... lest He break out like fire in the house of Joseph, and devour it, and there be none to quench it in Bethel. i. e. church.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 10:41:17 +0000

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