Do you remember history class? i kinda remember sleeping through - TopicsExpress


Do you remember history class? i kinda remember sleeping through it. Lets be honest, candian history was so boring and i dont ever remember our history class trying to teach us about anything other than our countries history. i started asking myself, why are they teaching the history of one country to a race of people with a history that predates the birth of north america. learning of my countries heritage gave me a sense of pride for my country, but i was never educated to have a sense of pride in my people, my race. How did we go to club banging cavemen to..LOOK AT US!!! how did we overcome mother nature time and time again, how did we learn of the stars and how did we flourish?? I started learning myself and discovered things i never ever knew, i felt shocked that i as a free canadian never knew so much. Why wouldnt they tell us these things in school? Why were we made to think our races balance was infallable? we were given a fake sense of security. Why was critical thinking discouraged by the curriculum? What i learned was, human history is depressing. So many lies and so much curruption in every nation, dynasty, or empire. in all centuries. Religion divides us, money currupts us and governments lie to us. What on earth will it take for people to wake up? and what is "waking up"? For me i think waking up was a process in which i started to see the holes in the plans and stories by our government, religion and corperation. i call them the trinity lol i try and bring the holes to light in small doses but ultimatly i know that each and everyone of you will have to do this on your own. get the motivation to find out why your tired broke and hungry. why your family is dieing all around you and why most of north america`s money is being spent on wars in other countries that we dont even know what they are about. Everytime the public protests against these attrocities the news headlines soar with reports of attacks by police. the last one they sent dogs into a crowd of woman and children. bet you thought i was talking about some other country tho didnt u?..
Posted on: Wed, 12 Jun 2013 15:37:23 +0000

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