Do you remember how our lives touched? Now, is the perfect time - TopicsExpress


Do you remember how our lives touched? Now, is the perfect time for me to have a flashback of the memories of those days we first communicated, and the eternity that followed. I was the reason you began believing in destiny, you told me during one of your drunken confessions; I never told you that it was the same for me. What could you call it but fate? You found me when secretly stalking the Orkut profile of your ex, and a random intuition made you click on the friend request button. I, too, never accepted requests from strangers, but a random slip of fingers accidentally included you into my extremely selective friends list. You were very offended when I made physical advances on you during our first chat, and for that Ive forever felt guilty, though I never apologized to you. I had recently come out of a bad relationship, and you seemed the perfect rebound, what with your eligible physique. How lucky was I for you to have been such a tolerant angel, who politely refused my offers in stead of abusing me, or blocking me, as other girls would have. I was stupid; Id have lost a book full of magickal wonders in my foolish lust for just the attractive cover. They say you know it from within, when you find your soulmate, that shes the one. Youre a proof of that. Golden autumn days proceeded to chilly winter nights, and we grew closer as we shared our warmth over SMSes and Calls. And then, during the warm summer nights, we would spend hours talking to each other, looking at the moon, revelling in the fact that you were looking at the same moon as I. Oh, but I must not be so slow, for I have but a limited time to remember our days together for one last time. Two years, without ever having met, we grew closer than anybody would ever believe. Two Half-souls, youd named us. We kept pining for the day wed actually meet. And then, finally, my boss gave me a raise, and I booked the fateful ticket, to go see you. Finally. It was supposed to be your birthday surprise. It seemed like I had just closed my eyes when the train jerked violently, followed by an ear-splitting metallic screech, and I was thrown off my berth right as something huge punctured me stomach-through-spine, and impaled me mid-air. Rescue hasnt arrived yet, and it doesnt matter. I can feel the blankness engulfing me. I spent the last seven minutes of my memory well. I cant....... ___________________ Its already 12:01AM, and he still hasnt called up to wish me. Ive been anticipating his call for the past half an hour. All of my friends have begun to call, but Im in no mood to talk to any of them. How horrible can a person be, to forget his girlfriends birthday? *phone beeps* Text from him: Train 13009. *phone beeps* Text from him: Dont mourn my death, dear love. I will return back, to claim your soul. I am trying to process his texts. So, first he doesnt call me up. Now hes playing some goddamed poet with me? I am growing angrier by the minute. I am gonna.. *call from his best friend* Hello. Train 13009 was in an accident. Oh. Okay. So? X was in the train, on his way to visit you. ...... You there? Tell me you are joking? I am not. *phone drops from my hand* -------------------- 5 years later I am about to leave for my coaching classes as he calls me up. Hello. Baby, where are you? Home, of course. I am leaving for classes. Why? Open the door, I am here. WHAT?! I open the door, to find him standing there, blazing his million dollar smile. I scream with happiness, and run to hug him. He vanishes into thin air. I wake up from my sleep, panting. The same nightmare, again. He promised me hed come to get me. He promised... I pick up the urn on my bedside table, the one holding his ashes, and hold it against my bosom. Like every other night before, I cannot hold back my tears. Dont go, beloved. The world seems so empty tonight. #MonkeyMourns Disclaimer: The technical details provided in the article are purely fictitious and have no connection to real occurences whatsoever.
Posted on: Sat, 10 Jan 2015 14:30:40 +0000

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