Do you remember the phrase "New World Order"? It was coined at the - TopicsExpress


Do you remember the phrase "New World Order"? It was coined at the end of the 1980s to define the demise of Communism both as an ideology and as a system of government, following revolutions in the former USSR and Eastern Europe, that brought an end to the Cold War. After this period, we saw in the 1990s intellectuals such as Samuel Huntington, in his epic article "The Clash of Civilisations", announce that the next ideological theatre of war (cold and hot!) will occur between the West and militant Islam- and he was right to a great extent. Now we see collusion between the West (mainly the Obama Administration) and militant Islam- and I ask, what does this tell us about our possible future(s). Could it be that we are witnessing the genesis of a New World Order from what occurred in Egypt over the last week? Could it be that American hegemony and power- already significantly diminished following the plunging of the world in the global financial crisis- could diminish even further as a result of its unexplainable stance on militant Islam? Could American influence, and the vacuum of ethical political authority that the Obama presidency has created, now be filled by other superpowers such as Russia and China (already on a massive ascendancy), and significant economic powers such as moderate Islamic states? If militant ideology has proven to be bankrupt and immoral- what will drive political motivation in the future- pure economics? What happened in Egypt in the last week was historically unprecedented by all accounts- could that mean that our profound 7000 year old civilisation would now also be responsible for the instigation of a New World Order? Now that would be amazing.
Posted on: Sat, 06 Jul 2013 03:46:35 +0000

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