Do you remember this event? .... "Thanks to Citizens United, - TopicsExpress


Do you remember this event? .... "Thanks to Citizens United, Corporations are People, and they can spend unlimited amounts of anonymous funds to elect the candidate and enact the laws of their choice–or attempt to repeal them. Not surprisingly, the Koch Brothers outspent everyone else but rallied their troops and organized the fundraising. They have been hosting this event for 13 consecutive years. In 2012, it was the 9th and their main goal was to unseat President Obama, repeal the Affordable Care Act, discredit the science around man-made global warming and, of course, energize the Tea Party movement. "Once you see who is behind the attempts to repeal and/or defun the Affordable Care Act, it will be easy to understand that once again, all you need to do is follow the money. "The following groups (or the interests funding them) all stand to lose billions from health care reform. These groups have all directly or indirectly spent millions on Anti-Obamacare campaigns aimed at repealing Obamacare. This list represents groups that supported anti-ObamaCare campaigns leading up to the 2012 elections. Aetna: $3.3 million to American Action Network (AAN) headed by former Republican senator Norm Coleman (R-MN)’ Aetna also gave $4.5 million in 2011 to the Chamber of Commerce which funds Anti-Obamacare campaigns. AHIP (American Health Insurance Plans): This health insurance super lobby gave $87 million to unnamed advocacy organizations for “grassroots outreach, education and mobilization, print, online, and broadcast advertising and coalition building efforts”. This was done while they were discussing a deal in support of Obamacare with the white house. At that same time the Chamber of Commerce reported receiving $86.2 million (documented on a 2009 IRS filing) from an unnamed organization. This happened again in 2010 for an amount of $16.2 million. This accounts for 8.6% of total contributions and grants the chamber received for 2010. ALEC: A Koch Brothers funded group that goes after Healthcare and other Government run services due to their Libertarian stance of Limited Government, Free markets and Federalism. They write laws that benefit corporations and fight against public interest. Americans For Prosperity: This Koch Brothers funded group spent $9 million attacking Obamacare the day after the supreme court ruling. Chamber of Commerce: Reported to have received hundreds of millions of dollars to fund Anti-Obamacare campaigns.
Posted on: Wed, 09 Oct 2013 02:53:01 +0000

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