Do you remember when I shared the video of this one writing that - TopicsExpress


Do you remember when I shared the video of this one writing that she was ready for a horse with wings? She was so positively hopeful that a horse with wings would arrive just for her. I laughed and promptly forgot. And then, the night before Halloween when she had already dressed up as Princess Leia for her school party, I saw this unicorn horse with wings listed on a buy/sell site for our town. I bought it not because I remembered anything about her wanting a horse with wings, but because I just thought shed love it for Halloween, for dress-up, for a trip to the grocery store. When she woke up and saw it, she said, I knew Id get it! My horse with wings is here! I didnt even know what she meant then. It took me this long to figure out what she believed the minute she saw this gift. When we know what we want, when we write down what we want, when we speak it out loud, when people who arent even really listening somehow buy the one thing youve been lying in bed thinking about, isnt that something? Ill call it something, but you could call it god or God or universe or magic or source or weird or whatever. But at least acknowledge it, for goodness sake. Acknowledge the specialness of it all. I know this could be viewed as a silly example. A costume of a pink horse with wings? Come on. I want a new house, an all clear on a MRI, a job that is inspirational. Those are bigger things, and people have stories of those coming true, too. And, of course, people have stories of it not working out the way they hoped. Sometimes the dream you wish for gets denied for no obvious reason at all; I know that. It hasnt always worked out for me. Sometimes, it hasnt worked out when it shouldve and its felt unfair and frustrating. Sometimes people wish and pray for something that, in my book, totally should happen - a sick kid being healed, for instance - and when it doesnt happen, it feels so wrong. We feel despair. I have to look at these little moments, a silly pink horse that made a little girl believe in magic, to believe again. Not because it will erase the heartache of the times that it didnt work out, but because what else is there? I think you have to keep following the light however it appears to you. Sometimes your thoughts are heard, your prayers are answered. You get what you want, what you dreamed of. To others, it may not even look like what they thought you wanted, but to you it is exactly right. I have to believe that finding the magic in life, even if its made-up magic, is where its at. To me, these are the moments when I believe we are not just ants marching, following, building, and, ultimately, getting smushed by someones boot. It seems we could be more like individual unicorns with wings stopping for a bite to eat in a new life with a new friend who is so, so happy to see us, who believes we were sent just for her. (She also stops the unicorn for when it has to poop, but that part of the video didnt fit my analogy so whatev). Happy Sunday. Look for magic, for prayers being answered, for god, for good, for whatever light you can find. If you have the power to today, make it where there is none. She made so many people smile while she giddy-upped all over town.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Nov 2014 13:08:54 +0000

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