Do you sometimes feel like your cut off from the - TopicsExpress


Do you sometimes feel like your cut off from the world,lonely,useless and empty? If so, do not despair.Loneliness warns you that you need companionship,closeness and intimacy. Have you ever watched a bed of glowing coals? When you take one coal away from the heap the glow of that single coal dies away.But after you put the coal back into the heap it glows again.In isolation you will never glow or function will if you separate yourself from the group so companionship is necessary to build into your makeup. Do you agree that you never found the companion that was so companionable as solitude…yes, being alone will give you time to reflect on what life is going through.When things not going will You felt lonely and it is rough but in using the moment of solitude it may give you deep satisfaction. Sometimes loneliness is imposed on us by the circumstances beyond our control.Circumstances can change for the better because thats a temporary loneliness.Never isolate yourself because the one who isolating himself will seek his own selfishness.You can not live on the past.Even sometimes the gnawing pain of loneliness persist and there seems no way out. Considered how gifted You are.Never let loneliness beaten You. Understand the cause then move on. Build respect to yourself to overcome loneliness.Develop your new personality,your kindness,lowliness of mind and mildness.The best advice for a lonely You is to get involved wih other people to widen and show your fellow feeling or empathy.Caring for other not only get your mind off your own loneliness but motivates others to take an interest in You. You must be friendly.You may start with a smile eventhough they will never smile You back.Kind acts and generous spirit will likewise help You to build precious friendships.If time to time you still fell lonely just “relax” it‘s normal.You are not alone.Remember you have a best friend who will never let You down.Your very own self and the Father Almighty the life giver.While the time is your‘s live your life a delighted one. ~I Love You All ~ (121214)…
Posted on: Fri, 12 Dec 2014 13:54:52 +0000

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