Do you struggle with organization? Need a weekly schedule to keep - TopicsExpress


Do you struggle with organization? Need a weekly schedule to keep on track? Heres a weekly Schedule I created to help me stay on track every week. Print it out, laminate it, and use dry erase markers so you can use and reuse every week! TIPS: Write out everything you HAVE to get done each day/week first. Include things like work/school, kids, wakeup/bedtime, meal/snack times, personal time, study time, workouts, grocery shopping/meal prep, etc. The more detailed you are, the more realistic your schedule will be. Once you have it written out, put your schedule in your phone and set reminders so that youll always be on track. Consider keeping a separate blank weekly calendar with you and filling that in throughout the week with the time you ACTUALLY spent doing things. Compare your calendars at the end of the week and tweak for the following weeks. Ill show you all what my schedule generally looks like for this month to give you an idea :) I dont have my meal/snack times written on this schedule, but you can bet that they are programmed into my phone...and every thing is color coded too! The more organized, the better for me! I also left some blank spaces because, Lord knows, that things come up and you cant always plan for every thing! Scheduling has been something that has REALLY helped me stay on track with my weight loss and was my saving grace in law school. Whats that saying, Fail to plan, prepare to fail? Definitely true for me! What are your favorite ways of staying organized and on track?
Posted on: Mon, 06 Oct 2014 21:29:49 +0000

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