Do you think this girl likes me? Disclaimer: I have never been in - TopicsExpress


Do you think this girl likes me? Disclaimer: I have never been in a relationship of any kind/Had anyone tell me they like me. This isnt fishing for sympathy, this is an explanation/justification for the awkward behavior that follows.Hey all. Longtime lurker, first time poster. Ok, so Im a uni student and theres this girl whos been around a few times (friend of a flatmate). We got along well and talked whenever she was around. At one point, due to some circumstances, we ended up going to a club together to meet the rest of my flat. We were stuck in a cue for a good 3 hours and conversation flowed easily without so much as a hint of awkwardness. When we finally get in, my flatmates have the brilliant idea of trying to get us together, so one of them talks to the girl and tells her Im shy and wont make the move, and another asks me if i like her and tells me to go for it. They then proceed to subtly, in their words, disappear from the dance floor and leave me alone with this girl. Much awkward dancing and eye contact avoiding ensues. This continues until the club closes. We walk home and conversation is scarce often followed by long periods of silence. After that she came round less.Then, a few days ago my flat held a party which she attended. She then proceeded to have an aside with drunk me and asked if i was involved in the matchmaking attempt. I told her i wasnt and that i was caught up in the awkwardness of the whole thing. She asked if i was okay with said matchmaking, to which i vaguely remember saying no, since it made things awkward. She seemed quite embarrassed through much of the conversation, as was i, but I was glad to have it all cleared up, and thought nothing more of it for a day or two. Until, my flatmate runs into one of her flatmates, who shall henceforth be known as Dee. Dee remembers seeing my flatmate in the audience of a play i was in and asks why i was there. Flatmate explains that she was watching a performance of mine. Dee recognizes my name and immediately asks flatmate if she knows the girl (yknow, the one this post revolves around). Flatmate states she does and immediately asks why? Dee says oh no reason (theirs totally a reason - Flatmate). I didnt think much of this until my flatmates began insisting that the girl likes me, stating that she must have talked about me enough to create an association between my name and hers. they also argue that the girls question at the party regarding whether i was okay with the aforementioned matchmaking attempt somehow indicates that she likes me (something to do with the fact that were not good enough friends for me to be such a big topic of discussion at her flat, unless there was more to it)I am of the opinion that my flatmates are wrong on this one. I see nothing which shows that the girl in question does in fact like me. I do however see someone trying to clear up a misunderstanding which made a friendship awkward. What do you think?
Posted on: Tue, 18 Mar 2014 22:11:48 +0000

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