Do you try to get LEAN(skinny) to become HEALTHY and be HAPPY. - TopicsExpress


Do you try to get LEAN(skinny) to become HEALTHY and be HAPPY. If you do you are probably really struggling with what your doing. Your more than likely exercising excessively doing hours of cardio and little weights, practically starving yourself or following some super diet plan like the 5-2 (there really nothing supper about that, and will cause more damage than good). Well I can more or less guarantee that you will struggle with that lifestyle and end up falling of the bandwagon, gaining more weight and fat than you have lost. This is why I get my clients to do things In a different way. First of all they need to be HAPPY, happy with the food there eating, the amount, the type, happy with the exercise there doing, happy with there lifestyle, happy with there stress levels(or having ways to deal with stress). Then and only then will they start to become HEALTHY, ever heard the phrase healthy mind healthy body, that exactly what is required. Once you start becoming healthy making the healthy choice on regular occasions then guess what starts to happy........ You start to get LEANER, by leaner I mean less fat and sometimes a reduction in weight if you have a lot of fat to shift. But one thing I will say is that if you are not shifting fat (becoming leaner) then you sure to hell aint getting any healthier. Get in touch if you would like a FREE* consultation about becoming HAPPIER, HEALTHIER and LEANER. *£30 charge but taken of price if you sign up to 12 week program, during consultation we will look at lifestyle, nutrition, stress levels, brain chemistry and body type questionnaire to work what and how much you should be eating as well as doing physiological tests to determine where you are at this moment in time. And you will receive full nutrition guidelines with breakdown of what to eat.
Posted on: Fri, 14 Mar 2014 15:07:23 +0000

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