Do you understand the Palestinian/Israeli conflict? Im slowly - TopicsExpress


Do you understand the Palestinian/Israeli conflict? Im slowly learning. Many arent interested because they think that it doesnt affect them. But that isnt true. What is going on is going to affect the entire world. It is fulfilling Biblical prophecy and working towards what is foretold in the book of Revelation. Whilst this short animated video is biased and doesnt tell the whole story I found it helpful (visually). It doesnt go back far enough to explain the history of Israel or the region. It pretty much starts at 1947 and tries to interpret things from there. It doesnt take into account that Israel possessed the entire region 1900 years ago when the LORD Jesus the Christ walked amongst us and prior to that. It had been promised to Abrahams descendants as far back as 2000 BC. After entering the region in 1406 BC to conquer it Israel took possession of the land for almost 1500 years enjoying intimate privileged relationship with the One true Living God. Yahweh - the LORD Almighty. Israels calling was to represent Yahweh and be a light to all of the nations of the earth. Sometimes they were obedient to Yahweh and were a blessing to other nations but they struggled to remain faithful to Him and often preferred to indulge themselves in the blessings he showered upon them (are we any different?) instead of focusing on encouraging the nations to honour Yahweh. Instead of influencing the nations by being light to them Israel was influenced by the darkness of the nations and was corrupted. So much so that disgrace & dishonour was brought upon them and by association Yahweh. The Almighty lovingly concerned for His creation & all the people of the earth had to communicate clearly His holiness & the destructiveness of sin to the world that He brought heavy devastating judgement/discipline upon His people Israel and they were conquered and enslaved by cruel oppressors first the Assyrians (722 BC) and then the Babylonians (597 BC). After mercifully restoring Israel to her homeland (after exile in Babylon) it wasnt long before Israel proved that they hadnt learned how serious their privileged calling was. (the entire world needed light). Israel needed Yahweh to be the light and so He entered the world stage and took on flesh and became a mortal man - the LORD Jesus - the Light of the World - the King of the Jews. After rejecting Him Israel was dispersed throughout all the nations of the earth and were without a homeland until they fulfilled prophecy/scriptures in 1947 when Yahweh would once more return them to Canaan. This is where the video picks up the story but there is much confusion by the Islamic Palestinians descended of Ishmael when they shout Allah akbar (God is great!) and the Israelis who do not understand that Yahweh has installed His King on Zion (His holy hill Psalm 2 - God the Son) as to what God is doing.......drawing the nations to Himself through His Son - the King of all the earth - the Light of the World. His Kingdom brings both love for God and love for your neighbour (even your enemies) And unfortunately it is not understood that the geographical promised land is not the NEW Jerusalem the heavenly city - the final promised land & resting place for Gods people where God will again (but this time forever) walk amongst & be present with His people. But none the less Yahweh has the Jewish people where He wants them......and now to continue to bring the nations to gather at the throne of the King of Heaven - the LORD Jesus.....Yahweh in the flesh. And he disperses the light throughout the nations & the darkness as He transforms each and every one of His people into the likeness of His Son (Romans 8:29) (loving, joyful, patient, gentle, kind, faithful, good, peaceful, self-controlled). His Kingdom comes but both Israelis and Palestinians desperately need intimacy with Yahweh as He requires willing obedience and submission to the LORD Jesus. He requires that they love one another. And only with Him is that possible.
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 14:55:53 +0000

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