Do you want 5 Tips to Develop Your Networker Leadership - TopicsExpress


Do you want 5 Tips to Develop Your Networker Leadership Skills? There are many aspects of the networkers role, which you will improve purely through experience. Dividing it up in one task after another will let you learn new things and do a better job of leading your team. However, if you want a faster way of having better leadership skills, here are 5 tips. 5 Tips to Develop Your Networker Leadership Skills 1. Watch Others -The experienced networkers you come into contact with can help you improve your skills. If you are lucky you will be near someone who has been through it all and who is happy to give you some pointers. Even just watching how an experienced networker operates and leads their team and their tasks can be a great learning experience. You should never turn down the chance to learn from someone else, especially if it is someone who has been around the block a few times in the role. 2. Go on Training Courses -There are lots of different skills you can pick up if you go on the right training courses. It is easy to think that the best move is to go on a lot of technical courses but this isn’t always the most necessary step. If you feel that you are lacking in your leadership or negotiating or assertiveness then you can also go on training courses to sort out these things as well. The best time to go on training courses is obviously when you are between projects or in a slow period when there isn’t a lot else you can do. Having said that, if you need to make time one way or another in a busy period then it is still something which is well worth considering. If you can get the training you need at the right time then it will make leading of your team a lot easier for you. 3. Learn from Your Mistakes -Of course, one of the best ways of learning in any job is by paying attention to what you have done wrong in the past. We all make mistakes and admitting to them means that you can then look to do it better in the future. It is human nature to try and forget about the things we do wrong as quickly as we can. However, if you can find a way to make those mistakes improve your future performance then you will get a lot of benefit from doing so. This means paying attention to the little errors as well as anything bigger which you get wrong. 4. Get Feedback -Some of the best people who can tell you what you do well and what you need to improve are those who you deal with on your projects. This means the rest of the team and your mentors as well. You will want to do a formal review at the end of the piece of work but there is nothing to stop you from picking up informal feedback as the work progresses. It can feel strange to ask for other people’s opinion on your work at first but there are ways of doing this subtly. For example, after training courses or meetings you could leave questionnaire sheets on the table asking for the attendees to give their opinion on how the event was organized and hosted. As long as you are mature and professional enough to take any negative points in the right spirit then you should learn a lot from this approach. 5. Think About It -One of the best ways of improving anything in your life or work situation is by simply thinking about it a lot more than before. If you have never really thought about your network leadership skills then now is the time to do so. By doing this you can discover more about how well you are doing and what is missing from your skill set. Projects are great for getting you thinking about your performance, as you can get feedback and learn from others, as we have seen in some of the other points. However, none of this matters much if you don’t take advantage by thinking about what you have learned and how you can improve in the future using the knowledge you have gained. If you open your mind to the opportunity to keep on getting better and more comfortable in your role then you will find that every day can bring with it new learning experiences. The key is in paying attention to them and then putting them into practice. Have an amazing week! Sponsors For Change
Posted on: Sun, 01 Sep 2013 07:39:46 +0000

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