Do you want to enter heaven ? Yes, I want to authorized paradise - TopicsExpress


Do you want to enter heaven ? Yes, I want to authorized paradise . What should I do even introduced ? . Lover Muhammad peace be upon him reminds you of many things qualifies you to enter paradise , including: - Said peace be upon him : (Oh God, You are my Lord is no God but you , seek refuge in You from the evil of what I have done , I acknowledge Your favor upon me and I acknowledge to you my sin , so forgive me , it does not forgive sins except You . Uttered from the day Moukna them died of his day before that is the evening comes from the people of Paradise , and spoken of the night, and he died before it is certain that it becomes of the people of Paradise ) . Bukhari. - ( ( Received from God, not associating anything with Him will enter Paradise ) ) [ Bukhari]. - ( ( Who believe in God and His Messenger , and established prayer, fasting Ramadan, was really on God to enter Paradise) ) [ Bukhari]. - ( ( Whoever builds a mosque it seeking thereby the Face of God built him like God in heaven ) ) [ Bukhari]. - ( ( Of peace Alberden entered Paradise ) ) [ Bukhari]. ( Bardan : age and dawn ) . - ( ( From tomorrow to the mosque and claimed God prepared him an honorable place in Paradise tomorrow or whenever claimed ) ) [ Bukhari]. - ( ( Who can guarantee me between the legs and between granted a long life guarantee him Paradise) ) [ Bukhari]. - ( ( From wire to seek a way in which God is the easy way to do Paradise) ) [Muslim] . - ( ( Who said what he says muezzin of his heart will enter Paradise ) ) [Abu Dawood] . - ( (No one wudoo well with ablution and pray two rakahs accept his heart and with his face on them , but it should be a paradise ) ) [Abu Dawood] . - ( ( Chosen from the Lord God said , and the Islam religion, and Muhammad peace be upon him as a prophet and be assured of Paradise) ) [Abu Dawood] . - ( ( Whose last words there is no god but Allah entered Paradise ) ) [Abu Dawood] . - ( ( He died of an innocent three : arrogance , and Alglul , religion entered Paradise ) ) [Tirmidhi ] . - ( ( From high Jarretan I entered a paradise ) ) [Tirmidhi ] . - ( ( Asked of God Paradise Paradise three times , said : O Allah, enter Paradise) ) [Tirmidhi ] . - ( ( Returned from sick or visited his brother in the caller called him God be blessed, and Mmchak , and position in Paradise house ) ) [Tirmidhi ] . - ( ( The truthfulness leads to righteousness and righteousness leads to Paradise) ) [ Bukhari]. - ( ( Ensure God for those who labored in the process not only helmed Jihad in the process of ratification and that his words enter Paradise) ) [ Bukhari]. - ( ( O people , Spread Peace , food and feed , and arrived when people are asleep , you will enter Paradise in peace ) ) [Tirmidhi ] . - ( ( Umrah to expiation for them , and an accepted Hajj has no reward but Paradise ) ) [ Bukhari]. - ( (If God has ninety-nine names, one hundred and one only , of learns them will enter Paradise ) ) [ Bukhari]. - ( ( I have seen a man in Paradise fluctuates in a tree cut from the back of the way they hurt people ) ) [Muslim] . - ( ( About bin silent worship that the Prophet peace be upon him , said : Admnoa me six of yourselves guarantee you Paradise: truthful if Haddttm . Fulfil If you promised . And performed if Aatmantm . And Keep Frojkm . And turned a Obesarkm . And stop your hands [ Musnad Ahmad ] . Now select your goal. Lucille yourself : Do you want to have a mansion in Paradise? About Maaz bin Anas Aljuhani ( may Allah be pleased with him ) . Messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him ) said : Whoever reads ( Say God is one ) until Echtmha ten times built God has a mansion in Paradise , said Omar ( may Allah be pleased with him ) : So Ncetkther palaces , O Messenger of Allah ? He said God is the most and best . Narrated by Ahmad and horses ( the series proper ) 1/589 . Anas bin Malik ( may Allah be pleased with him ) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him ) said : Whoever prays twelve rakah morn God built him a palace of gold in heaven . Narrated by Ibn Majah Do you want to have a house in Paradise? • said - peace be upon him - ( built from Allah a mosque , even Kmvhs Qtah built God a house in Paradise ) Narrated (e) and Bazzar and Ibn in ( Saheeh ) Jabir . Albani said : (true ) look modern Number: 6128 in Whole true . • said - peace be upon him - ( if Matt was born slave Allah - the Almighty - for his angels : Qdtm Ould Abdi ? Say : Yes, he says: Qdtm the fruit of his heart . They say : Yes, he says what he said Abdi ? Say : Hmedk and Astrjek says God - the Almighty - : Build for Abdi house in Paradise and call it the house Praise ) . (V ) from Abu Musa - may Allah be pleased with him - said Albani (Hassan ) See Riad righteous [1/362] • Umm Habiba girl Abi Sufyan - God bless them - the Prophet - peace be upon him - said ( of peace in a day and a night twelve rakahs built him a house in Paradise) Narrated by Muslim . For my father in front of him ( may Allah be pleased with him ) said: The Messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him ) , I am the leader of the house in a crouch paradise for those who leave the mirrors and that he was right and the house in the middle of paradise for those who left lying even if he joked , and the house at the top of paradise for those who Hassan created . Horses Do you want to be your home rooms are unmatched ? He says : ( ( but those who fear their Lord above them rooms of rooms built underneath which rivers promise of God does not break his promise ) ) (20 Al al . - Numan bin Saad Ali said the Prophet peace be upon him in paradise that offers see appearance of their bellies and their bellies than they appear Bedouin stood up for those who are , he said , O Messenger of Allah said to those who speak good words and fed food and Adam fasting and prayed to God at night when people are asleep ( Tirmidhi ) . - Said : ( peace be upon him ) , The Almtahabin to see God in their rooms in the Paradise Kalecoqb fated east or west of these is said is said in these Almtahabin God Almighty . Narrated by Ahmad . Do you want to have you grace in paradise ? - From Ibn Masood ( may Allah be pleased with him ) said: The Messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him ) : met with Ibrahim Leila prisoners of me and said: O Muhammad Read your nation of peace and tell them that the Paradise ŘíČĺ soil , fresh water, and it bottoms and planted : Hallelujah , praise God there is no god but Allah, and Allah is the greatest . Narrated by al- Tirmidhi . - Abu Hurayrah ( may Allah be pleased with him ) that the Messenger of Allah ( peace be upon him ) passed by a instills Garcia said: O Abu Huraira , who instilled what ? I said: Graça me , he said: Shall I not tell you to instill better than this? I said, Yes, O Messenger of Allah , he said: Say Hallelujah , thank God, no God but Allah , and Allah is the greatest , you instill in every single tree in Paradise. Narrated by Ibn Majah . - He said peace be upon him , What in heaven , but a tree and went from her leg . Narrated by al- Tirmidhi . Do you want to have you in the palm paradise ? The Prophet, peace be upon him : Who said Hallelujah and praise the great infused his palm in Paradise ( Saheeh ) . Do you want to have you treasures in heaven ? - Abdullah bin Qais - may Allah be pleased with him - said: The Messenger of Allah - peace be upon him - : ( ( O Abdullah bin Qais Odlk not on the treasures of Paradise ?) ) I said: Yes, O Messenger of Allah , said : ( ( Say no power and no strength except in Allah ) ) . Bukhari and Muslim
Posted on: Tue, 03 Dec 2013 20:34:32 +0000

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