Do you want to fortify your relationship with the Lord? Do you - TopicsExpress


Do you want to fortify your relationship with the Lord? Do you desire to get closer? Well, I can tell you right now that you will NEVER arrive at that point when you just live life. It requires deliberate pursuit and attentiveness on your part. You must put your relationship with the Lord into perspective. Jesus isn’t looking for someone who will flirt with Christianity. Jesus IS interested in marriage, not a 45 minute date every Sunday morning. The believers who comprise the church are collectively referred to as the bride of Christ. As bridegroom, Jesus willingly gave His life at Calvary ‘to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word’ (Ephesians 5:24, 25), with His death the eternal union experienced between Christ (Bridegroom) and the church (bride) is actualized (Revelation 19:7-9; 21:1, 2). A brief glance at Isaiah 54:5 reveals that ‘the Maker is our Husband’ and in Jeremiah 3:14 God commands the backsliding children to ‘turn for I am married unto you.’ If you neglect God, you will notice a change in your behavior. It doesn’t take much to irritate you. You feel hungry and no amount of food will appease you because this hunger can only be fulfilled when you fill yourself with the Bread of Life and Living Water. First you have to set your mind and heart to spend more time with Him. In His Word, He tells us that the Spirit wants what is contrary to the flesh and the flesh wants what is contrary to the Spirit (Galatians 5:17). You must not allow your flesh to overcome you!! Are your prayers ever spontaneous? Throughout the day, do you only say prayers when you are feeling unsettled or need something? What would happen if we would set times and it didn’t matter what we were doing, who we were conversing with we just had to drop it all and withdraw to our prayer closet? Daniel was to be found three times a day on his knees in prayer to God (Daniel 6:10). It didn’t matter what Jesus was doing at the time but He often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Luke 5:16). His Father took precedence. That was His priority. All things paled in comparison to Him. Professing Muslims are required to pray five times daily and at set times. What would happen if we, Christians, would be as dedicated to communing with Jesus (the ONLY living God) as those Muslims are dedicated to communing with Allah (a god that doesn’t even exist)? There’s also no need for archaic or fancy language. God wants you to feel comfortable when you speak with Him. I speak to Him just as I do with my parents. Be yourself! Be REAL with God. He already knows anyway!! It isn’t like He doesn’t see you as you speak with parents, friends and spouses. He wants you to reserve that same kind of affection for your conversations with Him. Pull out your Bibles also. It’s so much MORE beneficial to pray and meditate over one particular scripture than to read several without ever really allowing the Spirit to illuminate certain areas in your spirit. He will give you so much word behind the Word! After reading each Scripture, just be quiet and allow Him to minister to you. Remember He is your friend (James 2:23). Some people read only to brag about how many Scriptures they read when in fact they are missing out on the revelation God wants to give to them so badly!! Have date nights with Jesus. Go grocery shopping together. Cook Him dinner and over the course of dinner just really get to know Him. That might sound strange to you but you must incorporate Him into all aspects of your life. I hope you will spend time with Him every day but don’t do it out of fear of punishment for not committing enough time to Him. Do it out of love and a desire to get closer. If you aren’t doing it truly because you want to, you will get burnt out!!
Posted on: Fri, 06 Sep 2013 12:30:48 +0000

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