Do you want to understand why people dont become your business - TopicsExpress


Do you want to understand why people dont become your business partner? Here is a small guide for you Credibility is the key to success. What does it mean to have credibility? Credibility when defined refers to the objective and the subjective components of the believability of a source or message. Traditionally, modern, credibility has two key components: trustworthiness and expertise, which both have objective and subjective components. Trustworthiness is based more on subjective factors, but can include objective measurements such as established reliability. Expertise can be similarly subjectively perceived, but also includes relatively objective characteristics of the source or message (e.g., credentials, certification or information quality). Secondary components of credibility include source dynamism (charisma) and physical attractiveness. How many times have we said this to ourselves? “ I would never want to be in business that person, he is a cheat or.....whatever” So we are not any of the adjectives above but we always wonder why people find it hard to come into business with us There are two things to consider; 1. Do we have the kind of personality that make people happy to see us or be happy to have personal contact with us? 2. Do we genuinely want to help people succeed? Or do we just want to sell them something all the time? So here are some basics we need to understand that will help people in making decisions so they become business partners with us in the long term The most important ingredient of credibility is Character. Character is what we are in the dark! Remember, charisma attracts but character sustains.. When people see us acting in accordance with values we set and actually walk the talk and talk the talk, our credibility rises a little. Over time, consistent actions gain us sustained credibility. How many do we answer the phone or when somebody calls us and we are busy, do we call them right back when we are free or just demean them by sending a whatsapp? If we whatsapp we actually are saying, you dont mean that much and that is why I am messaging. The next time, for our own integrity sake, answer the phone, if we want to talk to them or not. Get the call over and done with because its the right thing to do. Changing standard responses to greeting can gain peoples interest. When people call us the normal greeting in globally these days “How are you doing?” And we might say “fine” or “great” or anything. But why don’t we change it up so people want to be involved with you? I say, and I say this honestly, “I’m happy.” And that response takes people by surprise even though everybody wants to be happy. I truly am happy so I make a point of saying that to people and, and they tend to be drawn to that. Helping people gains credibility We know how to ask people to do favors for us by asking, could they pick up something up and bring it to us So try this sometimes. Ask the person you normally ask for small favours, “Hey what’s something I could do for you today that you cant do for yourself?” They would really get surprised dont you think? Try it as an experiment because you will be surprised at the answers and this will raise our credibility further. Being dependable is a function of credibility Listening builds credibility. These are small things when we’re talking about integrity. People count on us if they really needed a favor. They want to know we are dependable enough to do it for them. Another important skill in gain credibility: Do we actually listen? How many people do we go through a day when they are talking to us and we are not listening? Additional Key Points to gain credibility • If we own a car, is it clean? A messy car is the sign of a cluttered brain and people will have less confidence in our organizational abilities thereby losing trust in our abilities. • Do we dress well and how is your hygiene? We should be wearing a nice outfit with our facial hair neat and hair well groomed. When we look good, people will think, “Hey, this person is successful; I think I’d like to do business with them.” • Are we humble and grateful? We’ve become a society where nobody’s grateful for anything. It’s always Give me To gain credibility always ask what can I do for you? Attitude of gratitude and service goes a long way • Do we give compliments? Who doesn’t want be told they’re looking’ happy today or they look good, or have beautiful eyes, whatever it is. Sincerity is a key to credibility • Never be overbearing. Contain our messages with being firm and factual Use this and see the difference. Courtesy Mark Ferreira
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 10:01:30 +0000

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