Do you want your ex back ? Remember those days. when you were - TopicsExpress


Do you want your ex back ? Remember those days. when you were too much in love with your ex who used to make you cry all the time? Remember how you called and texted them daily yet they never cared at all, not bothering to reply to your messages or picking up your calls? Remember how you always had time for them but they were always too busy for you? Remember how you planned your future with them not knowing that they were in the relationship just for fun and for the benefits it brings? Remember how they did hurtful things to you and instead of getting pissed off, you just chilled and forgave them without them even appologizing to you? Remember how you saw them flirting with other people in real life and on social networks, and when you asked them, they told you that they were just their friends, yet they were secretly dating them? Remember how you trusted them so much that even when you heard rumours from your friends that they were pushing out with some other people, you never believed them yet they were true? Remember how you caught them red-handed cheating on you and because you loved them too much, when they apologized,you easily took them back? Remember how they disrespect you and how they shouted at you in front of your friends? Remember how they lied to you? Remember how you sacrificed every little thing you have just to see them happy, yet they never appreciated it all? Sincerely they never deserved your love in the first place. They were just wasting your time. But just look at your-self now, you got over them and you are living a happy life. No stress and no worries. You deserved better. They made you stronger and they gave a life lesson you will never forget..... Now the question is, if they asked you to take them back, would you go through all of this all over again? Would you welcome them back with open arms?...........Do you still want your ex back or she/he can go to hell and burn?
Posted on: Thu, 03 Apr 2014 11:39:18 +0000

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