Do yourself a favor and listen - “in its entirety” – to Earl - TopicsExpress


Do yourself a favor and listen - “in its entirety” – to Earl Nightingales “The Strangest Secret”; an audio essay I believe should be mandatory listening by every human roaming the planet (and especially by aspiring Americans); and if you take to heart the action Earl proposes, I guarantee you will be amazed by what you can accomplish, and your life, and the lives of those around you, will never be the same; and with a new year right around the corner, there’s no better time to make Earl’s proposition not only a “New Years Resolution”, but a “New Life Resolution”, because I know for a “FACT” it works, and that’s because Earl convinced me to quit a “JOB” (that paid me more than I ever imagined I would earn), and move from a city of 5 million, to a small mountain town of 5 thousand (20+ years ago), to pursue a “PASSION”. And although doing so scared the “CRAP” out of me (especially since I had a wife and two small children depending on me), my fear taught me a valuable lesson, in that a person will never truly know of what they are capable of, until they “double-down”, and take a risk, with the understanding that failure is not an option (so give a listen; all you’re risking is 31 minutes, and 35 seconds of your life, and that’s a small price to pay, for what you stand to gain)…
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 17:18:06 +0000

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