DoS comes with new fatwas establishing a fine-raj and trying to - TopicsExpress


DoS comes with new fatwas establishing a fine-raj and trying to convert hostels into jails! Respected Dean of Students, it is better to close down your office than to accept your proposals for the IHA meeting because anyway your office does nothing!! Resist the new DoS proposals for IHA! Join in large numbers in a protest demo outside IHA meeting, 3rd February, SSS1, 1.30 pm FIne-Raj- DoS proposes to impose Rs. 2000 to 4000 fine for unauthorised persons in hostels- is the DoS trying to brand even students from other hostels or those awaiting hostels as unauthorised? Rs. 500 fine has been proposed for taking food to rooms EVEN in our own utensils The late payment fine of mess bills is being raised to Rs. 10 perday and withdrawal of mess facilities after 7 days AND the greatest fatwa is- Rs. 4000 for Disturbing Peace and Harmony. Denial of Hostels- The DoS which is extremely callus in providing hostels to students has now discovered a new mechanism to relieve itself from that responsibility- as per the new proposal students who join any course after 2-5 years of gap after passing BA/MA will be pushed to P-2 and to P-3 if the gap is more than 5 years. Restricting Mutual hostel change- As per the new proposal, in case of mutual exchange of hostels, both students seeking mutual exchange have to be from same year of admission and same program/course.
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 10:35:42 +0000

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