Doc Shabbir Ali Khan HOW DOES THE WEST CONTROLS ISLAM AND MUSLIMS ? 1, Economic controls by not allowing economic freedom of the Muslim countries. International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are the tools of controlling Muslim countries’ economies. It offers the bait of borrowing from international agencies for growth and developments and takes it back through corruption and overpriced sales of junk. Gradually interest begins to pile up and the country is firmly in the grips of the West economy is shattered under the weight of debt. 2. Political Control. The West provides intelligence reports to its puppet politicians, provides money and advice on keeping control of the population. The West provides tools of tyranny and persecution and keeps most hated puppets in power. In its pursuit of political control it foments revolutions, causes murders and ruins of families. American CIA is the world’s worst terrorist agency that makes the U.S. the world leader in terrorism. Israel is a close second worst terrorist. 3. Sowing dissentions. If Muslims were good Muslims the West would fail in sowing dissentions. Alas! The Muslims themselves are very corrupt people and they would not think twice selling their brothers or kill them for a meager amount of money from their enemies. Muslims take the money from their enemies and sow dissentions, throw bombs, shoot innocent people and their fine leaders. Embassies of the West and their surrogate agencies foment all such plots and fund their “missions impossible”. 4. Retarding Growth. The West spends a lot of money and manpower to retard educational, technical, scientific and industrial growth of the Muslim countries. The West sends its “experts” who give advice everything against the development of the Muslim countries. The only area the Western experts are honest are in health for their own selfish reasons. Espionage, bad advice and market control are the methods of retarding growth of the Muslim countries. 5. Keeping Military Power in Check. This is the most important area for the West to control. The West brings army generals and senior officers to the West, provides them with liquors, women and gifts, takes pictures, in case they are needed for blackmailing purposes and implants them back. Naturally, the West collects its IOUs from military officers when it needs them or else. It is important that the Muslims understand tactics of their enemy before they can develop their vision and a plan to make Islam acceptable in the West and in the world
Posted on: Sun, 24 Nov 2013 23:00:19 +0000

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