Doctor Claims Obama Is Mentally Unstable, Possibly - TopicsExpress


Doctor Claims Obama Is Mentally Unstable, Possibly Insane Although many of us feel that Obama has a special kind of mentality – one in which he’ll stop at nothing to attain what he wants, despite the costs to others – several are starting to see a disturbing trend in the President’s actions. Most recently a highly acclaimed doctor has claimed that Obama is mentally unstable, and even went so far as to say he might be insane. While on the Lou Dobbs Tonight show, Dr. Loudon made some shocking accusations regarding the leader of the free world. During the interview she boldly relayed. You know, I will say to you, Lou, I am very, very concerned about the mental stability of this President at this point. Some of his behavior seems irrational to me. It seems beyond that of just a typical narcissistic, arrogant, sort of, ‘I’m a leader of a big country and I feel tyrannical at the moment’ kind of attitude. It really seems to me like this President is demonstrating behavior that is not only anti-American, but irrational and erratic and perhaps not exactly what we might want to deem sane. It took Obama only a matter of weeks or months to convince the majority of the nation that he was not only capable of running the nation, but destined for it. It seems however that the people are now having a bit of buyer’s remorse as they’re coming to the realization that there will be no “hope and change” coming from the White House as long as Obama occupies it. That being said, the lack of Obama’s accomplishments while standing in the rather large shadow of his almost countless scandals are making people see Obama in a whole new light – for what he truly is; a fraud and a conman. Once the veil has been torn away and the beast is exposed for what he is, it’s now clear exactly what we’re dealing with – a self-obsessed narcissist willing to step on however many it takes to get what he wants.
Posted on: Wed, 14 Jan 2015 00:22:09 +0000

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