Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited The Fifth Doctor: Hugh - TopicsExpress


Doctor Who: The Doctors Revisited The Fifth Doctor: Hugh Bonneville is back here on Doctors Revisited to talk about the Fifth Doctor. Also appearing for the first time here on Doctors Revisited is Noel Clarke. As all the Fifth Doctor human/humanoid companion actors are still around they all manage to appear in this episode to talk about the Fifth Doctor and the companions that they played. In regards to talking about the companions they played it was good to hear from them all their perspectives of playing them. Matthew Waterhouse (Adric) definitely got it right when she says that Tegan is the only companion who wants to leave the TARDIS as quickly as she is on her and Marcus Wilson rather puzzled by Tegan not that keen to travel in time and space. Quite well how this episode talked about Adric’s demise in Earthshock. Quite a contrast that narrator Gareth Pierce in noting the difference between Adric and Turlough with him saying from a companion who sacrificed himself (Adric) to a companion wanted to sacrifice the Doctor (Turlough). Also a good look at the Famous Foes segment with the Cybermen and the Anthony Ainley Master.
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 23:44:35 +0000

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