Doctor Who: The War Games: In The War Games DVD is the special - TopicsExpress


Doctor Who: The War Games: In The War Games DVD is the special feature Talking About Regeneration which looked at the history of the Doctor’s regenerations over the course of Doctor Who’s history up to the regeneration of the Ninth to Tenth Doctors in Parting of the Ways since Talking About Regeneration predates the David Tennant swansong The End of Time. When talking about the Fifth Doctor’s regeneration in The Caves of Androzani which saw this Doctor seeing visions of his past companions just as he is regenerating in which Doctor Who writer Gareth Roberts suggested this may have been influenced by the ending of I, Claudius in which the dying Claudius in his last moments was seeing visions of people in his past who are already dead. It is rather curious that Roberts brought up I, Claudius here since Claudius was played by Derek Jacobi and Jacobi later appeared in Doctor Who in Utopia playing the Master which saw his performance here ending in him regenerating into the John Simm version. What is rather curious about that is that both Caves of Androzani & Utopia were directed by Graeme Harper overseeing a regeneration sequence. So if we to accept as fact the I, Claudius ending being the influence on the Fifth Doctor’s regeneration it may have influenced the casting of Jacobi as the Master and undergoing a regeneration in Utopia with the direction done by Harper. As this special looked at the Doctor’s regenerations, the Doctor would be undergoing his next regeneration just a little over six months from now when Matt Smith bows out in the upcoming Christmas Special.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Jun 2013 03:14:28 +0000

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