Doctors Association Today Advice That Use Social Media For - TopicsExpress


Doctors Association Today Advice That Use Social Media For Freedom Movement Not Entertainment >> President Of Doctors Association of Kashmir Dr Nisar-ul-Hassan Monday urged netizens to use social media for the propagation of freedom movement and not for entertainment. In a statement issued to Sources, Dr Nisar-ul- Hasan lamented that Kashmiris particularly youth are using social media for entertainment and enjoyment. “It is distressing that our people are using social media networking sites for uploading and sharing personal and family photos, junk videos, and non serious messages. The interactions on social media are about mundane and menial subjects. It is shameful to know of indecency and immorality on social networking sites. It is disgraceful that Kashmiri professionals working overseas are discussing petty personal issues on social media and forgetting the national issue to which they have an obligation,” he said. “Social media which is an instrument of interactive communication was the sole contributor to mobilization of protests in Jasmine Tunisian revolution on December 2010, which overthrew President Zine Al-Abidine Ben Ali and led to democratization of country. It was Facebook page “kullena Khalid said” that sparked Egyptian revolution in 2011 which inevitably spilled onto streets and ousted out President Hosni Mubarak,” the statement reads. He said that Kashmiris should use social media to portray sufferings of oppressed nation and highlight brutality and barbarism of Indian occupation. Online activism is crucial to get boots on ground and activists on streets. It is the incessant street demonstrations that will free us from clutches of slavery. The real heroes in a revolution are the ones on streets. “Social media should be used to convince international community about the illegal occupation of Kashmir by Indian state. Kashmiris should use the tool of social media to mount international pressure on India to vacate the occupied land. Martyrs are beckoning us not to forget their sacrifices and the best tribute to them is not mourning but to carry their mission to its logical conclusion. “Azadi means Martyrdom” and everyone of us should be prepared for sacrifices,” the statement reads.
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 16:01:27 +0000

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