Doctors, Health Workers At Loggerheads Over Strike In what may - TopicsExpress


Doctors, Health Workers At Loggerheads Over Strike In what may appear as a clash of interest in the health sector, a body called the Joint Health Sector Union (JOHESU) Thursday directed healthworkers in federal hospitals to commence an indefinite nationwide strike, while medical doctors under the umbrella of the Nigeria Medical Association (NMA), who are opposed to the action, have been enjoined to ensure that the delivery of health services in hospitals are not interrupted. JOHESU said the industrial action should commence only at federal hospitals from 21st August, 2013, adding that other hospitals at state and local governments shall join on 28th August, 2013 if its demands were not met by then. The health workers, also regarded as hospital assistants had demanded among others, the non-skipping of Salary Consolidated Health Salary Structure (CONHESS) 10, implementation of National Health Bill, Consultancy and Specialist Allowances and Call/Shift Duty and other professional allowances. Their demands, however, perceived as unjustifiable by the doctors have drawn the battle line between the two unions as the doctors are of the opinion that both bodies should work in tandem to provide health services for the public. In a statement by JOHESU, directing all its members to embark on indefinite strike, the body says, “While we sincerely apologize the inconveniences this action may cause Nigerians, the Minister of Health, Prof. Onyebuchi Chukwu, should be held responsible". However, sources in the NMA alleged that the health workers were simply asking to be at par with the doctors in every ramification, especially remuneration. Commenting on the issue Thursday, President of NMA, Dr. Osahon Enabulele, told reporters that the health workers were being unrealistic with their demands. “Already, they went to court and the court granted some of their requests but they are not talking about those ones. They simply harp on the ones that were turned down and they want to embark on strike”, Enabulele said. He clarified that CONHESS 10 skipping meant that they were already granted privilege of ‘skipping’ grades in the work level which makes the workers also to demand other benefits associated with it. In a statement by the NMA president Thursday, he said the NMA has no trouble with the workers demanding what they believe was due to them, but that the delivery of health services should not be denied the public as a result of the action. “While we have nothing against the right of people to determine how best to actualize their demands, we shall however not tolerate any attempt to obstruct medical and dental practitioners in the course of rendering their official duties. “In line with the foregoing, the Nigerian Medical Association wishes to use this medium to direct all doctors nation-wide to remain at their duty posts and to work relentlessly to render uninterrupted services, particularly for emergency cases, in all public hospitals," the statement said. Another union in the health sector, National Union of Allied Health Professionals (NUAHP), had on Monday embarked on an indefinite strike at the University Teaching Hospital (UCH), Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria leading to the non-availability of health services to patients. NUAHP had indicated that it would suspend its strike Today, 22nd August but JOHESU, which still comprises the health workers, would be on strike. Some of NUAHP’s demands are the abolition of appointment of only full time staff of universities as chief executives of teaching hospitals and Federal Medical Centres; abolition of offices of Deputy Chairman, Medical Advisory Committee; the release of the interview conducted for members of the union to the posts of directors; stoppage of imposition of medical practitioners as heads of department over other professionals and the immediate removal of the Minister of Health. The NMA has criticized the demands as a ploy of wanting to be at par with professional doctors. Sources in the NMA said the doctors suspected that the health workers were planning to hinder health service delivery from Thursday by locking down hospitals and laboratories so that the doctors would not have access to work. “We also call on all Chief Medical Directors/ Medical Directors to ensure sustained provision of clinical/healthcare services to Nigerians in all public hospitals, by providing adequate security, and ensuring access to hospital materials, equipment and other healthcare facilities in the hospitals. “We strongly urge them to remain committed to their God-given responsibility of offering quality healthcare services to the toiling and long deprived people of Nigeria, in all public hospitals," NMA said.
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 18:36:25 +0000

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