Doctors fear Ebola victim Patrick Sawyer may have sparked a - TopicsExpress


Doctors fear Ebola victim Patrick Sawyer may have sparked a worldwide spread of the killer disease after being allowed on two flights while infected. And tonight a desperate race was on to find dozens of passengers who flew on the same jets as the 40-year-old American. British doctors and border officials have been warned to be on the lookout for people in the UK showing signs of the disease. He had a stopover in Ghana then changed planes in Togo and flew to the international travel hub of Lagos in Nigeria. The dad-of-three died five days after arriving in the city. Lancaster University virologist Derek ­Gatherer said passengers, crew and airport ground staff who came into contact with Mr Sawyer could be in “pretty serious danger”. Ebola is fatal in 90% of cases. Doctors have identified 59 people who were near him and have tested 20. But they are struggling to find the others, who could have flown to anywhere in the world from Lagos. This new strain of Ebola is blatantly engineered. You people have no earthly idea what its going to do. There may be stages that havent even been discovered yet. What we DO know definitively at this point is; this version of Ebola has a kill rate of 95%+, it has an optimal 21 day incubation period that allows for maximum contact of the host while contagious and asymptomatic. Its also either airborne or has found some new nefarious way to circumnavigate traditional precautions. What we know for sure is that accepted methods of avoiding exposure ARENT WORKING. We also know this Dr. Eric Pianka (University of Texas) is a proponent of reducing the population by 90%, lives on a self-sustaining compound in Texas and told colleagues at a lecture; My favorite candidate for eliminating 90 percent of the world’s population is airborne Ebola (Ebola Reston), because it is both highly lethal and it kills in days, instead of years. Conveniently some samples went missing from the University of Texas Bio-terror lab in 2013 where Dr. Pianka teaches. A year after the theft/disappearance of a bio-terror lab sample from a school run by genocidal maniacs, were in a full blown Ebola crisis. Seems too goddamned coincidental that magically this guys dream killer is now on the loose. He had motive and he had access. There are people on death row convicted with less evidence. We are clearly dealing with something new and engineered. Its also clear that the media and the government are both trying to quell panic and promote its spread. They used to bomb towns with the old hard to transmit Ebola if even one person had it. Now were letting the infected check themselves out of their hotel room quarantine to go for ice cream, family visits and plane rides. We arent even quarantining doctors or their families coming from hot zones to determine their health status. Dr. Brantly could have gotten on the plane and come home with his family just as easily as they did last week. The crew on Nigerian Air that had a guy vomit internal organs on a flight last Tuesday are serving peanuts right now. This is insane. TPTB are enabling its dispersal. Who gives a shit if its airborne or not (it is in my opinion) but even if you absolutely refuse to believe it - RESPIRATORS AND NBC SUITS CLEARLY ARENT WORKING. Viruses are smart, but they aint that smart. This is being spread by design. If you still dont believe me consider this; Obama will suspend flights to Israel for peoples safety but you can hop on a plane to or from a hot zone without so much as a warning. We are in a lot of trouble. This could very well be the end of the world we know and its happening by design. Call your congressman. Call your senator. Call the white house. We need to isolate America right now or we will not survive this. usatoday/story/news/nation/2013/03/25/virus-sample-missing-from-galveston-national-laboratory/2018887/ Heres so more extremely credible sources: nydailynews/life-style/health/ebola-victim-nigeria-return-u-s-visit-family-article-1.1883750 nbcnews/health/health-news/ebola-virus-west-africa-new-strain-scientists-say-n82461 cbsnews/news/new-strain-of-ebola-spreads-kills-in-west-africa/ POSTS
Posted on: Sun, 03 Aug 2014 03:03:10 +0000

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