Does Barack Obama have a secret plan to change America? Dick - TopicsExpress


Does Barack Obama have a secret plan to change America? Dick Morris says he does — a stealth plan he has already been implementing right under everyone’s noses that will put the Republican Party out of business as a major political force. Morris, a former presidential adviser and strategist, argues in his just-released book Power Grab: Obama’s Dangerous Plan for a One-Party Nation that America truly is at a crossroads. Already Power Grab has become a #1 best-seller and was instantly sold out at Barnes & Noble and other booksellers its first week out. We can choose the path of the Founding Fathers and keep a strong constitutional government that thrives on our bipartisan spirit, or opt for President Barack Obama’s dream: a nation ruled by one political party with a far-left agenda. Everything that we as American citizens once took for granted, from our civil liberties to our system of checks and balances, is now systematically being put into question by Barack Obama and his radical plan. In this blockbuster book, Morris exposes Obamas true agenda — to turn America into a banana republic ruled by one party. For example, Morris reveals how Obama is secretly pushing legislation in different states that would effectively abolish the Electoral College — allowing liberal states to bind all their electoral votes together for the Democratic candidate. Morris says that already 10 states with 170 electoral votes have signed on to Obamas law! You need to read Dick Morris new Power Grab. With co-author Eileen McGann, Morris has written the most penetrating exposé of the Obama agenda, one that blows the lid off Obama’s secret strategy to downgrade and destroy the Republican Party as a great rival to the Democratic Party. Dick Morris’ Power Grab is newly released and retails for $30 including shipping. But you can get this book for only $9.95 (plus $2.95 shipping) with this special offer. Many have complained of Obama’s executive actions and abuses of power. But Morris goes beyond that to make a convincing case that Obama’s overarching strategy is one that ultimately grabs power from our traditional and bipartisan institutions in favor of a single party: his Democratic Party. In essence, Obama wants to re-make America along the lines of a modern Banana Republic, an old-style Mexico where one party ruled by fiat. About Dick Morris: Dick MorrisDick Morris is well-known for his probing, hard-hitting commentary in media outlets like Newsmax and the FoxNews Channel. Time magazine has dubbed him the most influential private citizen in America. A prominent Republican strategist, he was the architect of Bill Clintons comeback landslide in 1996 and political victories for 30 senators and governors. Internationally, he has piloted the successful campaigns of presidents or prime ministers on five continents. According to Morris and McGann, Obama has instituted his plan by: •Pushing radical immigration plans that will tip the delicate political balance in favor of the Democrats in crucial states and in national elections •Implementing the biggest power grab of all, ObamaCare — the law that says anything supporters say it does •How this new “health” law helps create a permanent government recipient class who will vote Democratic time and again •After healthcare, gain federal control over state run education systems using Common Core curriculum •Gaining more control over private business by granting the EPA global governance in the name of climate change, affecting every aspect of our lives •Blocking energy independence, thereby slowing economic growth and breeding more dependency •Gutting welfare reform and keeping millions on the dole •Turning over regulation of the Internet to the United Nations The authors write: Obama is a left-wing president who is desperately determined to impose his radical agenda to transform our democratic government and free market economy into his socialist-style ideal before leaving office in 2016. Hes a president who is obsessively fixated on keeping the left in permanent power by turning our two-party system into a one-party monopoly. Ben Carson, one of Americas most respected commentators, recently he read Dick Morris powerful exposé of Barack Obama — Power Grab: Obamas Dangerous Plan for a One-Party Nation. Heres what Ben Carson said about Power Grab: I read Power Grab and couldnt put it down. Dick Morris thoroughly reveals President Obamas hidden agenda. He then added: This book is a must-read for all Americans. He is close to achieving his goal, Morris claims. Only you can stop him. Get this powerful new book — a $30 value with shipping —for only $9.95 (plus $2.95 processing) with this offer. Thats a Savings of Almost $55! Thats not all... Get a one-year subscription to Newsmax magazine, a value of $60 -- Yours FREE! Newsmax magazine covers Along with Power Grab, you will also receive a FREE 12-month subscription to Newsmax magazine. Thats a $40 value at no additional cost! Heres the value breakdown: Bonus #1 — Save $15 Off the Retail Price of Power Grab Bonus #2 — Get a FREE 1-year subscription to Newsmax Magazine — a $40 value! This is a savings of almost $55! You can take advantage of this today for only $9.95* — Go Here Now. Todays world is more complex, more unpredictable, and more dangerous than ever. Every month, Newsmax magazine brings you exclusive, hard-hitting stories the major media wont report. You get special commentaries from George Will, Michael Reagan, Ben Stein, John Stossel, Dr. Laura Schlessinger, David Limbaugh, Christopher Ruddy, and many others. Even the mainstream media cant ignore Newsmax magazine — which has been cited on Meet the Press, CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and many other outlets. Dr. Ben Carson, best-selling author and commentator, tells America: Each month I look for Newsmax magazine to give me the news I cant get elsewhere, you should too. Ben Stein adds that Newsmax reveals the unafraid, uncomplicated, bare-knuckles truth about todays dangerous world. Mike Reagan, the elder son of the late President Ronald Reagan, says: I guarantee that youll love Newsmax magazine. Claim your new copy of Dick Morris’ Power Grab now for just $9.95* — PLUS get Newsmax magazine free for a year — a value of $55. Please Note: If you are a current or former subscriber to Newsmax magazine, you are not eligible for this offer. You can get this book for FREE with our one-year renewal offer by Going Here Now.
Posted on: Sat, 18 Oct 2014 01:05:44 +0000

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