Does FEMA or the government have the power to do so??? - TopicsExpress


Does FEMA or the government have the power to do so??? ABSOLUTELY.. under martial law, as our Constitutionally guaranteed freedoms are swept away and we are forced to come under pre-existing PRESIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE ORDERS that deny us our previous liberties under the Constitution. UNDER MARTIAL LAW, FEMA can seize :your home, family members and separate them, your vehicles, your land and possessions including food supplies, your Church, and more. The Presidential Executive orders will turn America into a police state and military dictatorship, denying Christians and other groups the previous RIGHT TO FREELY ASSEMBLE. Which means that you and your fellow Christians can be SUBJECT TO ARREST for failure to disperse when you meet for Church gatherings on Sundays or any other days, gather for prayer meetings, etc. There are excellent website that publish and discuss the PRESIDENTIAL EXECUTIVE ORDERS THAT WE ARE GOING TO COME UNDER AS THE SIGNS OF MARTIAL LAW PROGRESS AND THE PRESIDENT CONTINUES TO EVOKE EMERGENCY POWERS that are increasingly taking away from our freedoms and civil liberties. Church in America, be prepared for the great persecution that is soon to take place on American soil. When Jesus Christ declared, Ye shall be hated of ALL nations... speaking of the end times specifically, realize that ALL NATIONS must include the United States of America! ...And then shall they deliver you up to tribulation and to be put to death...BUT HE THAT ENDURETH TO THE END SHALL BE SAVED. NOT he that shall be raptured, but rather he that endureth to the end. (From Matthew 24) Christians who have anxiously been following events in American indicating coming persecution and testing have also been hoping intensely that a Rapture will take them out BEFORE they will be tested and tried for their faith (as other Christians worldwide have been in recent decades.) I remind them that no quicky Rapture came to save the millions of Christians who were imprisoned or slain under communist takeover in Russia, China and many other nations. No Rapture came to rescue Sudanese Christians from Moslem persecution and literal crucifixion in many cases. No Rapture saved the many Cuban Christians who died with Jesus Christ on their lips in front of Fidels communist death squads. They were allowed to be tested as by fire for their faith. And according to the many words of prophecy I have collected from Pastors and prayer groups regarding these coming events (which confirm end time Bible prophecy), I personally believe that the TRUE Christians in America are going to face the great trial of their faith, which will ultimately result in imprisonment and literal martyrdom for their steadfast faith and confession of Jesus Christ. (I speak of millions of persecuted and martyred Christians in the times to come in America.) GOD BLESS EVERY CHRISTIAN IN AMERICA AND AROUND THE WORLD. GOD BLESS MY JEWS BROTHERS AND SISTERS AROUND THE WORLD. GOD BLESS ISRAEL
Posted on: Wed, 31 Dec 2014 01:17:29 +0000

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