Does God Exist? This is a million dollar question. Common Sense - TopicsExpress


Does God Exist? This is a million dollar question. Common Sense says ‘Yes’. And a few say ‘No’. Since the year of existence of mankind, the believers have been challenged about the existence of God. The main argument of the non-believers has always been that there were no evidences to prove that God does exist. However, here we provide such a rational thought and facts to give a much different perspective of the subject. When we come across the painting, such as Mona Lisa - definitely we inquired about the Painter? Who made this? The answer is Leonardo Davinci. Many such man made wonders do exist. To name a few, Taj Mahal, of India, the Palm-Shourya, of Dubai, Dream-liner Boeing 787, International Space Station Hotel, Huge subships, Huge Callis, Cars, Robots, Phones ... the list is unending. There is definitely some intelligent of some being or beings involves in such creations. So who has created what we have not created? Such as the Human eye. The human eye is one among the most complex organs in our body, perceives 7 to 10 millions colors through its snap tic flash i.e., 1/10th of the second. Who is the designer and creator of the human eye? And also of many other remarkable wonderful things such as .... The list is unending. 1) A complex design points to a deliberate designer. Modern scientific research shows that the amount of fine tuning of the universe is considerably surprising. The particularity of the details quite vividly points to a Intelligent Designer. Let see some of the examples. i) Speed of Earth’s rotation If the Earth rotates too quickly, will have too many storms like tornadoes and hurricanes. And if it rotates too slowly, it will be too cold at night and too hot during the day. That the planet Earth learn about itslef about its perfect speed. Or is it being monitored like a satelite is monitored by hundreds of scientists together. ii) Size of Earth The Earth size and its corresponding gravity holds a pin layer of mostly Nitrogen and Oxygen gasses only extending about 50 miles above the earth’s surface. If Earth was smaller, an atomspehere would be impossible. If Earth would larger its atmospehere would contain free Hydrozen which would make life impossible. Who gave it the perfect size? iii) Location of Earth Although it revolves around at a tremendous speed of nearly 67,000 miles per hour – it manages to maintain its position at the exact distance. Furthermore, its found that if the earth alive further away from the Sun would all freeze, any closer would burn. Who does been the planet earth has the exactly fitting distance from the Sun. And that’s just about one planet earth in a huge universe. Similar observations have been recorded by the scientists about such massive bodies. Who finally designed the entire planetary systems? Some of the scientists may say ... it just would happen by Chance. Is that sound like science then... Any seren man imbibed with reason could question about the designer when he sees a good design. So in the similar spirits, we should inquire, where does the fine tune of the Universe come from? 2) Order in the universe, implies a smart organizer When it reflects about the nature of our world we found its order everywhere. The more we discover about the universe the more we find it covers by rational laws. With apt intelligence, we have tried to come up with the concept of symbiotic factory. Symbiotic factory – the first was the system in which the waste of one factory, say A is completely utilized by another factory Say B as its resource or raw material. And the waste of the factory B is completely utilized by the Factory A as its resource. Such a concept sounds ecologically brilliant and economically smart and big. However, it inhabitedly relish theoritical. But, to the much of our surprise such symbiotic factories do exist in the universe – one such arrangement is the cycle of respiration and photosynthesis. At a moment it is eaten oxygen, give out carbon dioxide which is taken in by plants. Its continue to give out oxygen. Oxygen is life sustaining. Carbon dioxide is life destroying if possessed in excessive quantity. This a magnificent balance system in nature which exactly takes in the waste products of respiration carbon dioxide and gives out the raw material of the respiration, the oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Can the best of the scientists makes such a symbiotic factory set up? The waste product of one factory is completely acts as the raw materials of the other and vise-versa. Now since the universe has order and is governed by the laws of science, we should question how this order came about? Shouldn’t there be an organiser behind all this complex arrangements in the nature? Speaking about the laws, 3) Uniform laws of nature, connotes an intelligent law-maker. Much of life may seen uncertained that what we can found the day after day. Gravity remains constant. The hot cup of coffee left on a counter wil get cold and the earth rotates the same 24 hours. How is that we can identify the laws of nature that never change while is the universe so orderly so reliable. The great scientists believe that there is no logical necessities for universe that obeys rule. Let alone one that abide by the rules of mathematics. It is easy for them to imagine a universe in which, conditions unpredictablly changed instant to instant. Richard Feynman, a Noble Prize Winner in Quantum Electrodynamics said “Why nature is mathematical is mystery – The fact that there are rules at all is a kind of miracle.” In our day to day life, we don’t have any experience of laws which has not made by someone. The forming of any single law and its enforcement is always governed by intelligent person. So its truly rational to infer that the universal laws and its strict enforcement in life existent of a law maker. 4) A creation undisputedly implies a creator. Now if there is a designer, there is a organiser, there is law maker, then definitely when we see the entire universe we can infer that there is a creator. When even a paper rose flower needs a creator then how can a real rose flower be created by no one? Many even say that the nature is working automatically. Thus dening the need of the creator. The argue that seeing any divinity or God controlling nature is just a sentimental longing coming from an unscientific mentallity. So, does nature work automatically? The word automatically used in this context is somehow misleading because Automatically doesn’t indicate the absence of a controller. But rather the absence of knowledge of the controller. When we say that a machine works automatically what it needs is that the machine does not requie a continuous interactions with the operator . But still there is a operator who activates the machine monitor its working. For example, a child making a sound in looking at a toy moving automatically. But a wise person is never been mislead same conclusion as the inexperienced. Similarly, the magnificent phenomena in nature are not occuring by themselves as someone imagine like a child. All natural phenomena are working on the expert through remote. Therefore, an invisible programming of God as has been the conclusion throughout history of many wise people – both religious and scientific. Thus, it is that the famous Physicist Lord Kelvin aserted – “If you think deeply enough, you will be forced by science to believe in God.”” Max Plank, creator of Quantum Theory remarked - “For religion God is at the beginning; for Science God is at the end.” In Vedanta Sutra, the concise summary of Vedic Literatures we find similar conclusions. “Janmadasya Yatah, 2nd Sutra of Vedanta or Brahma Sutra. God is the absolute truth, the reason and the source of everything; likewise Lord Sri Krishna speaks in Srimad Bhagavat Gita that He being the absolute truth is the source of all worlds and everything managed from him. Aham Sarvasya Prabhavo, mattah sarvam pravartate. Ref. 10.8 Srimad Bhagavat Gita. Courtesy: Mohit Moth
Posted on: Fri, 24 Oct 2014 09:29:41 +0000

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