Does Jesus hold the keys to your heart? Have you willfully given - TopicsExpress


Does Jesus hold the keys to your heart? Have you willfully given them to Him, given Him permission to enter every room of your heart? The place where pride, bitterness and unforgiveness hide can be an oppressive spacethat can taint anything good that comes in. If we have pride abounding in our hearts there is great worry that this pride will taint many relationships in our lives, and gives little or no room for God to guide us or teach us. Have you ever heard, “thanks but I got this”? I have, from my own mouth. Often I have asked to give someone a hand, not that I wanted anything in return, but their response seemed like they felt obligated to pay me back, someway, somehow, someday. Well, God is extending His hand toward us all and in His eternal perspective, He sees how important salvation is, yet we tend to have tunnel vision on the now. And this pride of life can make our hearts so hard in receiving the free gift from God, His wisdom, His correction, His guidance and His Love. Very subtly this deception that has birthed pride can even make us say within us so strongly, we deserve the punishment for our sins, and we carry the heavy yoke of bondage. When I believed and received Jesus into my heart, I gave Him my life and He gave me His. See, my life, all of the good deeds, all that I could ever offer would have only one result, death. I could never earn God’s Love, or prove that I was worthy to be given life everlasting. “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Romans 6:23. He has given us His Word, His Love, His Life, and yet we still make choices against His will. When we ask our parents if we can go to the movies with our friends and they say “when your finished with your chores, then you can go”, there is an agreement that they have authority over us, and we have the choice. We either obey or disobey. If we go without doing as they had asked, we are in rebellion. This spirit of rebellion is at work to destroy relationships between parents and children and this twist of pride breaks the bonds formed from birth. This rebellion is a sign that we no longer respect the authority that they have been given over us. This respect is mutual, and if respect is abused on either end of the relationship, we suffer, and trust is blinded by pride. Jesus, our Savior and our Lord. You see this relationship with Jesus is unlike any other relationship we have experienced of ever will be in. God does not desire for us to just experience a relationship with His Son, He desires for us to be in one. He is Righteous, He is Just, and His Love is without hidden motive. We can trust Him undoubtedly, whole heartedly. Have we given Him authority over our lives? Psalms 146:8 “The LORD is righteous in all His ways, Gracious in all His works. The LORD is near to all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry and save them. The LORD preserves all who love Him, but all the wicked He will destroy.” We all have choices each day and our response to the questions of life speak volumes of what is on the inside, in the rooms of our heart. If darkness is on the inside it will be exposed by Light. And though this darkness may be hidden from others it is in plain sight to God. This hidden decay hinders our relationship with God, Who is Holy. He desires to fill us with His Perfect Love. We must admit our evil deeds to Him, and ask Him to take the darkness away. Again, He is fully aware of the darkness within us all, But His Light reveals this darkness to us, so we can see it for ourselves, then still we have the choice, we either ask Him to wash us clean or we shut the door. In this internal struggle between Light and darkness, the enemy of our souls tempts us with the pleasures of this world, and when we submit to his will, we give him authority and he builds his kingdom in our homes and in our hearts. He spiritually lulls us to sleep and the desire and ability to hear the Truth that will set us free is hidden by the desires of this perishing world, deceiving us into thinking we have everything we need and striving to obtain what we don’t have, when all we really need is Jesus. Does Jesus hold the keys to your heart?
Posted on: Thu, 01 Aug 2013 16:19:24 +0000

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