Does John Boehner Think Youre Stupid?... The House Just Voted To - TopicsExpress


Does John Boehner Think Youre Stupid?... The House Just Voted To Castigate Barack Obama Over His Unlawful Amnesty Decree... But A Vote To FUND That Same Amnesty Decree Is Only Hours Away. And yes, Boehner and a number of GOP Elites are not only going to vote to FUND Obamas Executive Amnesty, theyre actually whipping Democrats to vote with them to counter a rebellion from rank-and-file Republicans in Congress. Call it the old I-Voted-For-It-Before-I-Voted-Against-It-Gambit .... Really Mr. Boehner? ... Are you serious? ... Do you honestly believe that people are stupid enough to believe that this capitulation and total surrender is actually a plan to stop Barack Obamas unlawful amnesty decree? And now, Boehner is waiting to see what kind of reaction his little maneuver will generate... if he hears little or no response to his latest deception, hell assume that he has your consent to do Barack Obamas bidding, and we must not give him that consent. We need an avalanche of calls and faxes to Washington right now. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership. Yes Floyd: Send My Faxes The Truth That No One In Washington Dares To Speak! Why would John Boehner and GOP elites even bother to float a proposal to fund an unconstitutional, dictatorial and imperial executive decree through March and what would lead them to believe that Barack Obama would even accept such a proposal? Heres the skinny: - John Boehner and a number of GOP elites desperately want amnesty and they are still under the delusion that they can trick the American people into allowing them to pass an amnesty bill in a couple of months. However, if they intend to pass legislation to legitimize Obamas executive amnesty decree, after the fact, cutting off the money spigot NOW would undermine and thwart those efforts. - Moreover, they underestimate you and rely upon your ignorance. Youre supposed to assume that their offer to only fund Mr. Obamas decree into March is a guarantee that the decree will not be funded thereafter. ITS NOT! Barack Obama knows it too. And yes, they believe that youre that stupid. Rush Limbaugh cut to the chase during his Tuesday broadcast: What this is about is the establishment concocting an excuse where they dont have to stop Obama because they dont want to, folks. Thats the only logical interpretation for all of this. They cant come, after all of this, and act like they are as eager for amnesty as Obama, but they are. We know it to be true. We know the Republican establishment, we know the Chamber of Commerce, we know that many of the donors want amnesty. Limbaugh went on to say: Republicans need to swallow hard and go all-in for amnesty, not just five million, but for all of them. ... They just won a landslide election, and the intention of the people that voted for em was to stop this. Well, the Republican establishment apparently doesnt want to. Now... if youre feeling discouraged by the deceptions and the trickery... DONT. The truth of the matter is that politicians only attempt to deceive you because THEY KNOW THEY NEED YOUR CONSENT. And when you remain silent, you give them that consent. Dont give them that consent. Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent Blast Faxes to each and every Member of the Republican Leadership. Yes Floyd: Send My Faxes The Cavalry Is Coming... Your faxes and calls are also giving rank-and-file Republicans the courage to stand up to the elites in the GOP Leadership. According to the left-wing Politico: Senate conservatives are beginning to badger House leaders over their plan to fund the government and symbolically disapprove of the presidents immigration action. ... arguing that the House needs to block funding for implementation of Obamas executive action now, not later. And heres what some rank-and-file Republicans are saying in reference to Boehners latest amnesty scheme: - The Chairman of the Republican Party made a promise to America on executive amnesty: We cant allow it to happen and we wont let it happen… everything we can do to stop it we will. Unfortunately, the plan now being circulated in the House fails to meet that test. ... [it] does not reject the central tenets of the Presidents plan: work permits, Social Security and Medicare to 5 million illegal immigrants—reducing wages, jobs and benefits for Americans. ... The Presidents action erases the laws Congress has passed in order to implement laws Congress has refused to pass. Now the President demands Congress fund his imperial decree and declare its own irrelevance. - Senator Jeff Sessions - Make no mistake, sending a bill to the Senate without first making an attempt to include defund language is telling the American people that you support Obamas executive amnesty. That would be a slap in the face to the voters who sent a message last month by electing Republican majorities in Congress. -Senator David Vitter - The major proposals Im hearing about would effectively fund Obamas amnesty program until March. We cant fund it at all. I agree with other conservatives who have stated that the presidents amnesty scheme is illegal, which is why we should defund it specifically and immediately while funding the rest of the government. This can and should be done. - Congressman-elect David Brat, the man who defeated former House Majority Leader Eric Cantor - Its impossible for us to tell the American people that were serious about this when were not doing anything that is serious. Congressman Raul Labrador Republican elites may believe that the fix may be in... but nothing is fixed. Rank-and-file Republicans are standing up to Barack Obama and the GOP elites but these rank-and-file Republicans need your help. They need you to take their flank and they need you to flood Washington with your Blast Faxes right now. https://fs6.formsite/westerncenterjournalism/form194/index.html
Posted on: Tue, 09 Dec 2014 05:00:38 +0000

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