Does Zahid know that we live in a cosmopolitan world nowadays ? - TopicsExpress


Does Zahid know that we live in a cosmopolitan world nowadays ? Millions of Europeans look like Asians because Asians have made Europe their home. Then there is intermarriage and East Europeans have both European and Asian look . In fact there are many Europeans that look like Africans . Many years ago , many people would not have been able to imagine a black Italian but just look at Balotteli who even plays for the national theme. One of the reason America and too a lesser extent Europe became great and powerful is , they encouraged and celebrated diversity . I get the best of both worlds . Can u imagine the culture if Europeans , the hardworking Chinese , the creativity of the Malays , the scientific affinity of Indians and many many more all coming together to make that civilization great . Of course bigots will be everywhere . It shows the katak dibawah tempurung mentality if the minister to think that Europeans must look white ,and Caucasian in this age . These are the people who destroyed the Malaysian dream. Who instead of celebrating our diversity and strength , went around destroying and dividing us. We were no2 to japan in Asia economically in the 60s. UM was a highly respected university and we reached the semifinal of the hockey World Cup once. South Korea and Japan usually lost to us at merdeka cup football and we beat s Korea to qualify for the Olympic football in 1980s. All the teams were made up of all races . Now it is all divided Malays playing one sport , Chinese , Indians others and in our divisiveness we have fallen. Of course. , things were not perfect then . The economic disparity between the races . But many non Malays supported the NEP in principle . Unfortunately the NEP got hijacked not just by umno but also MCA and mic among others making a few elite Malays , Chinese , Indians and East Malaysians rich while the poor have gotten poorer esp the Malays and Indians . And with these kind of close mindedness from our leaders ( who only become leaders because of who they know rather than what they know ), cant c a light at the end of the tunnel
Posted on: Mon, 10 Mar 2014 23:42:32 +0000

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