Does anybody know of any institutions offering modular MAs in - TopicsExpress


Does anybody know of any institutions offering modular MAs in theology or philosophy? In all the commotion and tears (on my part, did you realise that I wasnt just being curmudgeonly yesterday, I was actually hurting from old wounds opened up and very upset?) the one really helpful and perceptive comment came from a non-Quaker. Responding to the suggestion that having a PhD wouldnt make me happy (which is true), she replied But I think *doing* a PhD would make Rosie happy (which is also true, oh how true it is!) Substitute service for a PhD and its equally true – frankly its not a place on a minor committee that meets for a few hours once or twice a year that I feel the call to, its a meaty role that I can throw myself into full-time. Leading a working party, say, or YM Clerk (well why not? Its not as if you have to be related to anybody to do that, is it? Oops, sorry Simon, slapped wrists hey! ;) ) Ok, so Im going to prepare a proposal for a PhD thesis which I envisage as following on from that ill-fated paper of 15 years ago, around the subject of failth in a globally connected world. My adviser tells me to concentrate on preparing and submitting proposals and worrying about the funding as and when I get an acceptance. My advisor also says I should look at modular MAs related to the field. To be honest, I dont really want to do another taught degree, I already have two and a bit of those: BSc (Hons) in Physics, BA (Hons) in literature and philosophy, and I dropped out of a part-time LlB because I felt after the first year that Id sat more than enough exams for one lifetime. On the other hand, she says that by doing a few modules I will be able to demonstrate the skills required for original research and also get to know a network of potential supervisors. So, do any of the Woodbrookies or other academically-inclined Friends know of any such courses?
Posted on: Mon, 01 Sep 2014 08:33:59 +0000

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