Does anybody know the processes of bringing th HAWKS in to - TopicsExpress


Does anybody know the processes of bringing th HAWKS in to investigate PMBs LAND ISSUES. Ppl frm OUTSIDE.The DA,ANC and th rest r all involvd and th SAP is covering when the spirit of GOD has brought things frm under cover. They hiding our docket. God requires according to LUKE 19 for the rich to give half of their wealth to the poor. I have the paperwork against u. We all want to live and b treated fairly and with good merit attain rightly wot is ours,but uv been like the 3 litl pigs wit ur houses of briks,houses of stiks(log cabins)& houses of straws(lapas) up here in ward 25. The ppl hav been made poor by your greed and heartlesnes. Its INHUMANE. Ths is NOT a political thg but a SOCIAL ILL AND CRISIS I got involvd in a practical way as i responded to a cry of a mother (aunty Carol Holby) in Philedelphia church in 1993 wen she went on a church mission to Gazankulu. Ross grandma Payne listend2th desire she had4 humanitarian issues&brort her2 th Wheatfield mision.The poverty aunty C saw broke her heart and told the entire church that GOD has already put a Gazankulu on our step here in Woodlands wit th informal setlmts that just landed. Th church did not want to get involvd. We even had a coment that th 2 of us shud go build a mjondol there. Prophecy fulfild in ward25. They wer realy mising out on th blesing Th looks on those kids faces was priceles. Then th ANC politicians startd making it wot it was and is not. Th church suposd2 b involvd but theres no acountability. Thats why th gangsters can continue. Auditors must cum in. Scripture says th tithe is4th LEVITE ,poor,widows&th LEVITE does NOT OWN A HOUSE. Th storehouse is full ppl. Holy Spirit vs Familiar spirit/ Psychology. The axe must b laid2th root. The natural must line up with the spiritual. Then the principalities of darknes wil not b seatd among u. YOU will overcome the devil by the blood of the LAMB and by the word of YOUR testimony. If their god is true, he must save them.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 16:47:05 +0000

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