Does anyone believe it a coincidence that Obama met with IRS union - TopicsExpress


Does anyone believe it a coincidence that Obama met with IRS union boss Colleen Kelley at the White House the day before the targeting of Tea Party groups by the IRS began? If you do, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Obama was fraudulently re-elected. Our country was hijacked by government employees protecting their cushy lifetime jobs, bloated salaries, obscene pensions and powerful unions. Think I’m wrong? Evidently, IRS officials don’t. Several of them have been busy hiring famous and expensive law firms to defend them. Where are they getting the money? Is Obama arranging for big Democratic donors like George Soros or union political funds to pay their legal bills? Is Obama scared to death of what these IRS bosses will say under oath? Could their testimony end his Presidency and destroy his legacy? In the end, it’s clear to anyone who hasn’t been brainwashed by government schools or bribed by government checks that the 2012 election was fraudulently stolen by Obama. What did Obama, Democrats and the IRS gain? The right to continue to loot the Treasury with bailouts, stimulus, corporate welfare and government contracts to his friends, donors, loyal media lackeys and corrupt union bosses. The right to continue to redistribute income from the business owners (who vote Republican) to Obama’s voters (the poor, unions and government employees). The ability to save Obamacare and unionize 15 million healthcare workers, thereby raising $15 billion in union dues to elect Democrats. And, of course, the ability to overwhelm middle-class families with $20,000 annual health insurance bills they can’t pay, thereby addicting them to government handouts. The IRS itself gains tremendously. They are now in charge of policing Obamacare, a huge new bureaucracy. It also adds thousands of new IRS agents, thereby greatly enriching the IRS union. The opportunity to pass immigration amnesty, thereby producing 10 million to 20 million new loyal Democratic voters. The opportunity to bankrupt business owners and permanently weaken the private sector, thereby drying up donations for conservative candidates and causes. The ability to keep American energy dependent by using the Environmental Protection Agency and executive orders to literally ban or severely damage domestic coal, oil, fracking and nuclear energy production. The opportunity to weaken American influence internationally. (See Egypt, Libya, Syria.) Obama’s re-election also means he may serve long enough to appoint one or two more Supreme Court justices, whose radical leftist views will ensure America is permanently transformed to a big-government socialist nation. This wasn’t just any theft, folks. It was a trillion-dollar theft. The Obama crime family (so far) has gotten away with the greatest and most daring act of fraud in world history. They stole the election.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Sep 2013 00:37:20 +0000

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