Does anyone else wonder about Enda Kenny? Honestly like...Whenever - TopicsExpress


Does anyone else wonder about Enda Kenny? Honestly like...Whenever he is confronted by people with genuine anger, he just laughs at them, or ignores them. People threw eggs at the man, and he ignored it... Whenever he is asked a question in the Dáil he trots out the same old drivel about Fianna Fáil having some neck etc etc.. Enda, I am not a Fine Gael supporter, nor am I up on the world of politics, and i do understand that your job is perhaps the toughest in the whole of Ireland right now, so to some extent I do admire you... But...The past is past and we know Fianna Fáil left us with a financial mess, as did the Anglo Irish Bankers. But, you are in power now Enda... Which surely means that you can cut and do away with all those disgraceful pensions that are currently going to the people who robbed us, the electorate, the people who put you in power? Ive just watched you on youtube answering (and I use that term loosely, because you did not answer the question) Micháel Martin in the Dáil about water charges and it was like watching two children answering the principal back... So, in a very public way, with the greatest of respect for what must surely, as I say, be a very difficult job I would like to ask Enda, what effect has Europes Austerity regime had on you? Do you struggle to pay your bills? Do you wonder how on earth will I afford to pay the rent, get the kids back to school, feed my children, pay hospital charges, bin charges, water rates, mortgage, electricity etc etc etc... Do you agree that there is, in the pit of the stomachs of the people of this country a growing anger and a sickening feeling that there is too much tax, a heavy burden and that perhaps if it was explained to us properly and not with a condescending smirk we might be able to fathom this? Do you agree or disagree that the recession has not ended, at least not here in Ennis anyway where two more shop units have closed this past week? Do you agree that the word compliance and threatening of evictions and court cases for non payment of water charges and taxes is more akin to language befitting Hitler and Stalin than an elected Irish premiere? As an elected leader, and as someone who is paid by our tax euro, I think we deserve an answer, not slings and arrows and party political one-ups-man-ship across the Dáil chamber. Do I expect an answer? Not in a million years... Sadly...but shur, who am I, only a pps number...and a member of the electorate who pays for this kind of thing. what an interesting world...
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 19:46:58 +0000

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