Does anyone in Alabama Really Know this Man? He has the AKA Dr. - TopicsExpress


Does anyone in Alabama Really Know this Man? He has the AKA Dr. Doom. The people are so brainwashed they just believe anything without researching the facts. I could Write a Book. Republicans and White Women just vote for Him out of ignorance. Most people do not know and do not know they do not know. They are voting against their own interest, He keeps the Reps. busy shooting down the President ACA ect... with Constant Propaganda. Just because someone says something does not make it true. Half of the Republicans just know they are suppose to be Republicans and have know idea what they are even voting for. They just believe what they are told. All of Our our public and Human Services are being privatized and Scripted. He cut back all administration and the workers are strained to keep up productivity.I I have been through the System on both sides and it is not pretty. I should write a Column or a blog but I am afraid they will come after me because that happened to me before . I wrote letters to all the appropriate Agencies and my State and Region but there is nobody to tell because they control it all. If a professional wants a decent job they have no choice but to work inside the constructed System to make a living and the minimum wage and Service workers can not make a living, Nothing is kept up and the County jails are unsanitary and full. I have documents cases from, vets, Abused women, homeless, seniors of a variety of ethnic diversities. Everything in Alabama is a big secret. The poor are exploited because they do not have any money or know their rights. Which in the eyes of a 1900s White Red Coat they deserve no rights. Alabama Literally having the longest Constitution in the World. The Alabama Constitution is Racist and bigoted with a prehistoric view on women. Not much has really changed here. Alabamas Democratic party has a lot of implants that ran on a Blue Ticket to get a Spot. The Minorities and Women are put on menial Committees and really do not have a say so. Robert Bentley made himself and executive order that gave himself the authority to appoint people of his choosing of his choosing in almost every Business and Financial Area of Government. Executive Order #47. He appointed people in the whole Executive Branch. Bentley along with Justice Roy Moore meticulously Control Alabama Law and Government and most Counties, Towns, cities and Municipalities. Education and Public Schools and teachers are suffering. Lottery would be a Great income for Education in Alabama but The Reds will not legalize it. Alabama is broken. The Republicans are Wealthy and many have business and companies they have gained through position and inside government information and selling out to Money. We are in the top 5 States for Corruption and every other Day a Republican Lawmaker is in the news for some kind of illegal behavior. Legalizing the Lottery would bring tourist and money to Alabama without blindly Robbing the People while helping fund Our Schools and Teachers. All of our money is Spent own drones and Military Gear. Read between the Lines people. They are attempting to privatize everything for Profit. Alabama and Texas Pharmaceuticals Hold hands. And there is just so much more. Our newspapers are right-winged and information is sequestered and Controlled.I get more News about Dothan from Montgomery. WE need to get people common people involved an start holding others accountable.
Posted on: Thu, 27 Nov 2014 01:38:02 +0000

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