Does anyone out there care about what the POS POTUS has now put on - TopicsExpress


Does anyone out there care about what the POS POTUS has now put on the Americans and their children tonight with a stroke of his pen? How can we all sit back and just shake our heads? I think the people have gone numb! We have homeless chidren whom are legal Americans, homeless Veterans that have served this great country, welfare sky high, unemployment through the roof. Corruption ran rapted in DC, big Government, a President that wants to do away with our Constitution (your rights) ISIS, terrorist training camps right here on our homeland, under educated college students (cant even tell you what the branches of Government are), ebola, crisis in every country, foriegn relations destroyed, Obamacare (another tax on our middle class), 17 trillion dollar debt and counting. IRS targeting, race baiters and followers, pissed off Indians about the Washington Redskins name, Muslins protesting bacon, God out of schools, but Islam being taught, weakened Military, war against Christians, job shortages, now 5 million more criminals, yes criminals because when they came here without going through the proper channels, they broke the law (criminal).... so, we now give them our jobs, pay for their welfare and their education! How much more can this country take before the foundation cracks? And then there is Hillary running for POTUS in 2016 and people stupid enough to vote for her. Havent the Clintons left enough DNA in The White House? I dont think that Monicas ex boyfriends wife is the answer here .... as the madness continues.... pretending it will go away hasnt worked, trust me I have tried.... its time for the people to start making educated decisions on solutions! Like leadership that can help bring us out of this very dark place we have arrived at. Please all pray for solutions, let your voices be heard and dont give up the good fight! This is our country and I think its time for a leader who is not a lawyer. Someone who knows how it feels to be American, Christian, knows and respects the Constitution. Someone who loves this country not themselves.... Sorry for the rambling just so overwelmed with the leadership.... carry on! One more thing... GO RAIDERS!
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 02:42:49 +0000

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