Does anyone remember the West Nassau Warrior billboard that was by - TopicsExpress


Does anyone remember the West Nassau Warrior billboard that was by the overpass coming into Callahan. It said something like welcome to West Nassau, home of the Warriors and had a Warrior head on it. The head of the Warrior was terrible. He looked so bad, we would be coming home from a sporting event and see that head every time. It was terrible looking, we commented on it every time we went by how bad that Warrior head looked. He looked like he had a messed up mouth and his head was lopsided. I think Ms. Pillmore painted it, when she was the art teacher at junior high school. I know, no one remembers it. But there are four of us who do. We decided to do something about that head! So one night me and three of my buddies, to protect them Ill just call them me, Larry, Jack and Wayne. The four of us waited until night fall one evening in the seventies. We went in Larrys Dodge Dart that night and parked it at my fathers business at Florida Sun Printing when it was on Brandies Avenue. We then walked to the overpass on 301 that goes towards Baldwin. We walked down the railroad tracks probably around 8:00 p.m. We arrived at the billboard, it was on the left hand side of the road as you went into the Callahan at the foot of the overpass. We climbed up on the billboard and was shocked to see they had nailed that head on with at least 500 to a thousand nails and screws. We talked about forgetting it, but we knew we had to do this community service for our friends at West Nassau. So we began the tedious job of removing the Warrior head. After two hours of prying hammering yelling and working up a sweat we were getting close to being done. About that time we heard a commotion on the other side of the overpass. It seems some of our fellow classmates (we dont know who they were) decided to throw rocks at semis as they came into Callahan on the overpass. After while I guess they ran out of rocks so they left.We continued to work and work. After about three or four hours we finally got the sign down. We, that is me, Larry, Wayne and Jack sat there on the ground resting. We had worked up a good sweat. When all of a sudden a set of headlights came shining into the area we were in. We all dove into a bunch of sticker bushes or briars as we call them. Jack was laying on an ant bed, stickers were everywhere. Then out of the corner of our eye we saw him. It was a police officer with a flashlight and his gun drawn. We didnt move as he walked by us. Not even a twitch, except for Jack, the ants were eating him up. The police officer turned and was walking back when the light hit us laying in the briars. He yelled something like I see you!!! Get up now!!! We didnt move an inch, so he yelled again. This time we sat up. We were caught. We were lucky it was officer Mike, (I will not put his name up to protect him) a good friend who knew all of us. He started yelling how we scared him to death. How did he think we felt? He told us someone had been throwing rocks at semis, we told him it wasnt us we were just doing community service by stealing this sign that looked terrible. He told us to lay still that a man had a gun over on the other side of the road looking for someone throwing rocks. He told us he would get rid of him. He walked off and as soon as he got in his car, we were up and running down the side of the overpass, across the railroad tracks with the hideous sign. Another police car was coming over the railroad tracks as we crossed the first set of tracks. The spotlight was searching for something, US. We hit the ground and laid there as he went down River Road. We jumped up and ran to the car and loaded the sign up, never to be seen again. Just to let you know we did it for you. Its pass the statute of limitations, so it feels good coming clean. Ill never tell you who Jack, Wayne and Larry were. Never. Your welcome for the community service.
Posted on: Fri, 25 Jul 2014 19:29:36 +0000

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