Does integration work? This is a subject that many people try to - TopicsExpress


Does integration work? This is a subject that many people try to avoid or they just simply answer yes. When I ask why they feel it works their reply is usually, ⿿don⿿t you see all the interracial couples and children?⿝ Well if it⿿s working why do we have so much more violence, anger, racism, war, hate, crime, suicide, and deaths? In fact, things are getting worse than what they were before; you have to ask yourself, ⿿Where does it begin and end?⿝ Integration starts within us first not the external but the internal. Malcolm X said that we must first integrate among our people first, before we start trying to integrate with other races. Martin Luther King had a dream that he went to the mountain top and saw Black children walking with white children. So who was right? They both were. Malcolm X saw our race needed healing within ourselves from years of oppression, division, and abuse. This healing was interrupted before it got a chance to take place. Martin Luther King had a dream which is true, but did he interpret the meaning of his vision correctly? Was it a warning? Just because he had this dream, does not make it right⿦ He needed to get the full interpretation of that dream. He didn⿿t see the effects of what would happen. He ran off with just part of that dream and preached part of a message. Integration set African Americans economy back and it got to the point that African Americans stop building up their own economy. The emotional healing, relationships with each other had stopped and as a result that energy was channeled in the wrong direction. African Americans should start seeing each other as a country and as a whole and bring our resources together. We should be able to present our commodity to the world as trades investments, but where⿿s our commodity? Our commodity is scattered all over the world in the hands of our competitors. We are some of the biggest consumers in the United States, yet we only own 2% of the businesses and trades! I was born and raised in Los Angeles and I watched the few African American Businesses go under or taken over by Asians, Mexicans, and Whites. One example is Louisiana Fried Chicken, which started around 1976 and was run by African Americans, soon the chain of restaurants became popular and next thing you know they sold out to the Asians and the recipes changed. I see this kind of thing happen in the African American community too many times. We sell out and the next generation has to start all over again. Take Wells Fargo for instance, do you know that the Well Fargo bank was founded in 1852. When I think about that it makes me wonder, where are the black owned legacies? It⿿s a few and most have been sold taken over like BET and most of our radio stations⿦ and you wonder why the generation to follow are so frustrated. It starts with a person, a relationship, a family, a community and the energy to create more abundance for this race⿦ a very loving and emotional race that has been stolen and misplaced. We were once a nation that cared and shared, so where do we pick up from what was interrupted? It starts with us and within our mines to integrate. We need to introduce our left brain (which is the male energy) to our right brain (which is the female energy). We have dealt with years and years of oppression which brought us to where we are now ⿦division among ourselves which filtrated through generations is a manifestation and side effect of integrating with every other race but our own. Society has designed integration as a fade and fashion, which is the systems way of keeping us from healing and uniting. To be continued⿦.. By Das Xerxes
Posted on: Thu, 22 Aug 2013 06:18:14 +0000

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